Free Teacher Fellowship lesson sequences

Finding the time to research, plan and produce thoughtful, appropriately demanding and well crafted sequences of lessons is a challenge. At the Historical Association we are supporting our members by carefully collating a number of free fully resourced lesson sequences that have been produced through funded projects.
The Teacher Fellowship programmes operated by the HA and partners unite teachers with the latest academic research about a particular topic. Following a residential, an intensive 8-week online course, devising, testing and refining phase, these lesson sequences are the final outcomes of some of the teacher learning that took place on each programme.
We are also supporting our corporate members through the creation of brand new fully resourced lesson sequences linked to lessons or sequences that have been featured in our journal Teaching History. Each term we will be adding a new fully resourced sequence of lessons that corporate members can trust to have been researched and produced to the highest standards from a trusted body. Sequences will link to specific Key Stage 3-5 topics, but provide fresh insights. The first lesson of each sequence is free to all members – find out more about how you can upgrade to corporate membership to gain access to the full sequences.