Growing up LGBT+

Published: 16th June 2021

The impact of school, home and coronavirus on LGBT+ young people

All content for this article has been provided by Just like Us.

Just Like Us has released its independent research report into the experiences of LGBT+ young people across the UK, ahead of School Diversity Week 21-25 June 2021.

The report, Growing up LGBT+: The impact of school, home and coronavirus on LGBT+ young people, was independently conducted by Cibyl and sheds light on the disproportionate struggles LGBT+ young people are facing – including:

  • LGBT+ school pupils are twice as likely to be bullied, contemplate suicide and feel lonely on a daily basis, and 91% have heard negative language about being LGBT+ in the past year
  • Pupils whose schools have strong positive messaging about being LGBT+ are less likely to report having suicidal thoughts and feelings – regardless of whether they are LGBT+ or not
  • Half of pupils (48%) have had little to zero positive messaging about being LGBT+ at school in the last 12 months

The report also surveyed school staff and found that:

  • Less than half (40%) of LGBT+ primary and secondary school staff are out to their pupils;
  • In addition, a third (31%) say their colleagues and school board are a barrier to introducing LGBT+ inclusion at their school

For the report Growing up LGBT+, 513 primary and secondary school staff were independently surveyed, as well as 2,934 pupils (1,140 of whom were LGBT+) aged 11-18.