Evidence: Theoretical
Links to HA resources for secondary teachers

Quick Links
- Getting Year 10 beyond trivial judgements of ‘bias': towards victory in that battle ...
- Let's play Supermarket ‘Evidential' Sweep: developing students' awareness of the need to select evidence
- Assessment of students' uses of evidence: shifting the focus from processes to historical reasoning
- How can students' use of historical evidence be enhanced? A research study of the role of knowledge in Year 8 to Year 13 students' interpretations of historical sources.
- What is bias?
- Unnatural and essential: the nature of historical thinking
- Life by sources A to F: really using sources to teach AS history
- Putting life into history: how pupils can use oral history to become critical historians
- Why Gerry now likes evidential work
- Beyond bias: making source evaluation meaningful to year 7
- 'Didn't we do that in Year 7?' Planning for progress in evidential understanding
- Telling and suggesting in the Conwy Valley
- Working with sources: scepticism or cynicism? Putting the story back together again
- Evidential understanding, period knowledge and the development of literacy: a practical approach to 'layers of inference' for Key Stage 3.
- The use of sources in school history 1910-1998: a critical perspective
- Teaching History 91: Evidence and Interpretation
- Evidence: Failing to improve pupils' understanding of evidence Move Me On 103"