One Big History Department
Join the discussion and access great teaching resources

One Big History Department (OBHD) has been created by a group of teachers who have got to know each other through our membership of and participation with the Historical Association. It is a website that supports the teaching and learning of history.
Visit the One Big History Department blog
Instant ideas - and the bigger picture
We always post ideas and resources that you can use immediately. We also want to help colleagues become more aware of the years of discussion that have gone into developing knowledge and expertise about high quality history teaching.
We all need great ideas when under pressure to plan lessons. However, we also know that really effective history teachers are immersed in lengthy discussions about students’ progression in history. They have a strong sense of the purpose of what they are doing and of how it fits into a bigger picture. None of us have time to reinvent wheels, but it can be hard to find the back-story to a current teaching problem. OBHD can help!
Take part
While each post is short, each idea or resource is also connected to a wider ongoing discussion about how to teach history. We hope you will want to join in with this discussion. We welcome differing ideas, thoughts and experiences of teaching history in schools. Please send us contributions that we can upload in a similar format to existing posts.
We would also really encourage you to become a more active part of the history teaching community by joining the Historical Association (HA) who are helping to support and facilitate OBHD. The HA website features events and forums that provide CPD and bring practitioners and lovers of history together. You can also follow the HA on Twitter and Instagram @histassoc.