Learning about the past through toys and games

Learning about the past through a study of toys and games
A learning theme centred on toys and games is perfect for younger children as the Early Years curriculum is, of course, all about learning through play. Planned carefully, it can also provide many opportunities for children to develop their understanding of the past.
Adult-directed learning opportunities
Provide the children with a range of toys which relate to different stages of a child’s development (e.g. a rattle for a baby, large plastic bricks for a toddler, a scooter for a fiveyear-
old). Ask the children to order them on a simple timeline (the timeline should be marked with different ages rather than dates). This activity will help children to develop their sequencing skills and build an early understanding of chronology. It also supports one of the key learning outcomes for the Foundation Stage: ‘children understand past and present events in their own lives and...
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