Whole-school planning for progression
Primary History article

How do we do the best for our children and for history?
The challenge for subject leaders and school leadership teams continues to be managing the tension between what history has to offer your vision for learning and your children's entitlement to a high-quality history education. The new national curriculum has ensured that this year you have had a close look at what the programmes of study require and how your whole-school curriculum has integrated the requirements into your provision.
Your school's vision, aims and unique statement for what children can expect from their time at school has to include their experience of learning history. The school's expectations of children have to include their experience of the teaching and learning of history. The school's core values have to be lived in the children's experience of the teaching of history; for example, compassion, courage, hope, integrity, justice, respect, responsibility, wisdom.
What do we want for our children by the end of their learning with us?...
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