Move Me On 158: Modelling tasks
Teaching History feature

This issue's problem: Arthur Wellesley is struggling to model tasks effectively for students.
Arthur has made a positive start to his training, but remains rather nervous in the classroom. He recognises the importance of well-planned lessons and his outline plans generally have a clear, logical structure. His mentor thinks that he is pretty good at identifying the central objectives and ensuring that there is a strong line of connection between his intended outcomes and the sequence of activities that he has devised. In trying to execute his plans, however, his own understanding of the nature and purpose of the particular tasks seems to get in the way of explaining them to students. Because he is familiar with the activities, he tends to assume that the students share his awareness of what is required and will know automatically what they should be doing and why. As a result, his instructions tend to be quite vague and many of the students simply miss the point altogether or become very confused about what is expected of them...
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