Britain and the wider world in Tudor times
Primary History article
Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum.
The first two articles in this series introduced three generic principles which might underpin planning a scheme of work in the KS2 History Curriculum. Article 1 (Jan 2001) drew on contemporary history to analyse and explain the principles. Article 2 (May 2001) was based mainly on material from the Victorian Unit to illustrate principles 1 and 2. The last article discusses principle 3, drawing on the unit, Britain and the Wider World in Tudor Times. Principle 3 suggests that the choice of approach and content give powerful messages to children about personal, national and global identity and sense of agency. This principle invites teachers to take a reflective, self-conscious approach which considers the underlying agenda of such choices. Issues of power, hierarchy and agency - including the diversity of ordinary people’s lives.
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