Learning about an 800-year-old fight can't be all that bad, can it? Its like what Simon and Kane did yesterday': modern-day parallels in history

Teaching History article

By Deborah Robbins, published 1st December 2004

Deborah Robbins charts a story of her own learning during the PGCE year. She explains how she identified a point of interest in her own practice - the use of modern-day examples. Turning this into a focus for testing her own hypotheses, she theorised from her own lessons to produce guiding principles to improve her teaching. For example, she suggests that pupils need to distance themselves from the modern analogy itself before they can apply it to the past situation. Her conclusion is that engagement is all and that temporary detours from historical precision are justified by the need to help pupils use ‘what they already know about the human and emotional world they bring with them’.

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