Thinking about questions to ask a sailor who knew Christopher Columbus
Primary History article

Please note: this article pre-dates the current National Curriculum and some content and links may be outdated.
The drama was an element in teaching a topic on Columbus with a class of 6-7 year old pupils. The Scheme of Work's title was WATER which lasted six weeks. The history element lasted for three of these weeks and was designed to meet the National Curriculum requirements that pupils should study:
1. Aspects of the way of life of people...beyond living memory
2. Lives of different kinds of famous men and women
3. Past events of different types
We chose Columbus, two other teachers decided to study Drake and Cook respectively. The Key elements addressed in the Columbus topic were: sequence events and objects, use common words or phrases relating to the passing, of time, aspects of the past through stories from different, periods... stories and eyewitness accounts recognise why people did things...
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