Promoting Gypsy, Roma and Traveller heritage in your primary history curriculum
Primary History article

Promoting Gypsy, Roma and Traveller heritage
It goes without saying that the events of Black Lives Matter have prompted many leaders and teachers to take a step back and reflect on their curriculum content and how effectively it reflects the diverse story of our islands. However, it is not just Black History that is requiring more prominence in school curriculums. Another community who arrived on our shores over five hundred years ago, yet remain on the fringes of society, often being overlooked, are Gypsy, Roma and Travellers (GRT).
Part of British history since the time of Henry VIII, Romany Gypsies migrated to Britain from north-west India – evidence of their origins can be found in the language they speak. Their nomadic lifestyle has created much speculation over the years and has meant that different interpretations of their way of life have been presented to society...
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