History 353
The Journal of the Historical Association
Published: 31st December 2017

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- Political Culture and Medieval Historiography: The Revolt against King Henry II, 1173–1174 (pages 752–771) - Martin Aurell
- 'Ottonians with Pipe Rolls'? Political Culture and Performance in the Kingdom of the English, c.900–c.1050 (pages 772–786) - Charles Insley
- Giving and Receiving Counsel: Forging Political Culture in Western French and Anglo-Norman Assemblies (pages 787–807) - Richard E. Barton
- Political Discourse at the Court of Henry II and the Making of the New Kingdom of Ireland: The Evidence of John's Title dominus Hibernie (pages 808–823) - Stephen Church
- Political Culture and the Changing Role of Countesses, 750–1050 (pages 824–839) - Rachel Stone
- 'You conquer countless enemies, even as a maiden': The Conqueror's Daughter and Dynastic Rule at Holy Trinity, Caen (pages 840–857) - Laura L. Gathagan
- 'You will dwell with barbarous and uneducated men': Countess Ermengarde and Political Culture in Twelfth-Century Brittany (pages 858–873) - Amy Livingstone
- Count Hugh of Troyes and the Prestige of Jerusalem (pages 874–888) - James Doherty
- Reputation, Authority and Masculine Identities in the Political Culture of the First Crusaders: The Career of Arnulf of Chocques (pages 889–913) - Natasha Hodgson
- 'All this I say against the rage of archdeacons against my poor fellow citizens': Archdeacons’ Authority and Identity in Twelfth-Century England (pages 914–932) - Stephen Marritt