History 352
The Journal of the Historical Association
Published: 31st October 2017
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- Clerical admonitio, Letters of Advice to Kings and Episcopal Self-Fashioning, c.1000–c.1200 (pages 557–575) - Björn Weiler
- Oceanic Barriers: The British–American Divide among Revolutionary Black Atlantic Writers (pages 576–596) - Kyle T. Bulthuis
- 'Of Paramount Importance to Our Race': H. O. Arnold-Forster and South African Soldier-Settlement (pages 597–616) - Christian K. Melby
- Demystified: Mergers and Acquisitions, Oil and Gas, and Ranching on the Southern Great Plains, 1921–1933 (pages 617–638) - Matthew Day
- The Hidden Origins of Intelligence History: Rehabilitating the ‘Airport Bookstall’ (pages 639–660) - Jules Gaspard