The School of Advanced Study
History Network

The School of Advanced Study The School of Advanced Study was established within the University of London in 1994. The School brings together the specialised scholarship and resources of ten prestigious postgraduate research institutes to offer academic opportunities, facilities and stimulation across and between a wide range of subject fields in the humanities and social sciences. The School was founded to protect, foster and develop an approach to study in the humanities and social sciences which owes its origins to the activities of its constituent Institutes. The Institute model unites the Institutes in the common goal of the promotion of research for the benefit of the wider scholarly community. As a consequence, the intellectual life of the School is rich and varied. Internally, Institutes respond to each other's interests, not least by designing and carrying through joint events such as conferences and seminars, and by more generally encouraging their staff, students and Fellows to cross the boundaries between their disciplines. Externally, the diversity of research interests, resources and approaches has made the School, through particular Institutes, an attractive partner in recent years for a wide range of UK and overseas institutions, in conference organisation, in mounting research projects and programmes.