Humanist Heritage

Every June the British Humanist Association (BHA) holds an awareness week around International Humanist Day. This year's Humanist Week, 21-27 June, has the theme of Humanist Heritage. Andrew Copson, Chief Executive of the BHA and a HA member says, 'From George Eliot to Aphra Behn, Viscount Morley to Bertrand Russell, John Stuart Mil to Clement Attlee, humanists have a major role in the history of Britain. It was British humanists who founded the international humanist movement just after the Second World War and it was in Britain that the movement was strongest and most pioneering in the nineteenth century. We want to celebrate that, and to increase knowledge and understanding of the history of Humanism at the same time too.'
The British Humanist Association itself was founded in 1896 and the week will begin with the announcement that its archives are now open for public reference at the Bishopsgate Institute in London. The centerpiece of the week, however, will be a new website that will allow people to collaborate in the development of resources about humanist history by uploading picture and text about their own local area or area of knowledge.
Click here To find out more and Humanist Week