HA News

  • Nelson Mandela

    5th December 2013

    The Historical Association shares in the global reflection at the passing of Nelson Mandela.Whilst history will remember many events and individuals for all manner of things and deeds, only a few individuals can stand above the historical record and be said to have guided it. Mandela's influence as a leader,...

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  • The Young Quills 2013

    19th November 2013

    The Young Quills 2013The Historical Association is now accepting books for the Young Quills Historical Fiction Awards 2013. Books will be going out to schools for review in December. The winners will be announced in the spring. Reviews of books entered for the award will be posted on the HA...

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  • The Historical Association Secondary survey report for 2013

    6th November 2013

    Headline findings For the last four years the HA sends to all schools and colleges teaching students in the 11-18 age range a survey.  The survey was sent out during the second half of the spring term 2013. Responses were received from 557 history teachers working in different contexts including...

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  • Global Learning Programme (GLP) for England

    6th November 2013

    We are delighted to let you know about the new Global Learning Programme (GLP) for England which launches this month (November 2013). The GLP is a free programme of support that can help enhance teaching and learning about global issues at Key Stages 2 and 3. The GLP focuses on...

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  • Write Your Own Historical Fiction Competition 2014

    22nd October 2013

    The Historical Association Historical Fiction Prize and the Joan Blyth Memorial Prize Write Your Own Historical Fiction Competition 2014 - Bigger and Better than Ever Before!Get your Year 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 students to bring the past to life!One of the key attributes of historical fiction is that...

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  • Former President of the HA posthumously honoured.

    27th September 2013

    Barry Coward was a well regarded academic in his field of seventeenth century British history and President of the HA from 2005 - 2008. For more than forty years he taught at Birkbeck College, University of London, so it is fitting that Birkbeck are the recipients of £1000 from the...

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  • Final Programmes of Study: National Curriculum

    10th September 2013

    The Historical Association welcomes the changes to the History National Curriculum and is pleased to see that the Government listened to the thoughtful and informed opinions of history teachers and historians that underpinned our response to the consultation. We would like to thank everyone who responded to the consultation and...

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  • GCSE Reform 2013

    6th September 2013

    The consultations led by the DfE and Ofqual concerning reform of GCSE examinations have now closed. The Historical Association consulted widely in order to respond on our members behalf.  Key points: History should remain untiered History should retain some kind of structured/guided study  Unassessed independent study is not an apporproate...

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  • Changes to GCSE History from September 2013

    30th July 2013

    Most teachers will be aware that there are changes to GCSE History specifications.  These are in two phases: the first for teaching from September 2013 and the second for teaching from September 2015.  You will be aware that examinations are now linear rather than modular and that marks have been...

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  • Flash Fiction Competition 2013 - The Winner

    1st July 2013

    The judges met on 27th June 2013 to discuss the entries they had all previously read. These entries were all very good and came from a range of periods - Tudor and Stuart England, the sixteenth, eighteenth and twentieth centuries and covered such diverse topics as smuggling, the Reformation, revolution...

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