Volunteers' Week 2022
1-7 June

Volunteers' Week – celebrating our amazing volunteers
The Historical Association is now 116 years old – quite an achievement really. We have only been able to keep going this long due to the commitment and dedication of our volunteers. While we are fortunate to have a number of paid staff, we are only able to do the level of work we achieve on a daily and weekly basis due to volunteers.
Volunteers are responsible for all of our journals, both as contributors and editors. All of our committees are made up of volunteers, as are our trustees and governing council. Our Branch network is run by volunteers, with speakers volunteering their time (we do not pay speakers) to ensure that people can listen and engage with fresh and insightful talks in their local area as well as online. Being able to attend an historical talk and listen to or ask questions is very different to simply watching an historical documentary or reading a book.
Much of our CPD is delivered by volunteers and all of those who deliver at HA annual conference give their time for free.
So in volunteers’ week we would like to thank all of those who give their time to the HA in whatever capacity. We also want to give a big plug that if you would like to get involved in a rewarding bit of historical volunteering then do contact the office to find out more, on enquiries@history.org.uk.