Get Involved News

  • Young Quills 2016: shortlisted books

    16th May 2016

    We are delighted to announce titles shortlisted for the 2016 Young Quills Award for Historical Fiction. The winning titles will be announced on Tuesday 28 June 2016 and the Awards Evening will be on Tuesday 5 July. Full details of the titles and reviews from our Quills schools will be...

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  • G.D. (David) Clayton - Obituary

    30th August 2014

    G.D. (David) Clayton - Bolton Branch President It is with great sorrow that the Bolton Branch marks the passing of its President, David Clayton, who died on 29 August 2014 following a prolonged period of ill-health. David was awarded an Open Scholarship to study modern history at Merton College, Oxford,...

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  • Obituary Eileen Castle

    6th February 2014

    Mrs Eileen Castle graduated from Bedford College, University of London in 1959 and proceeded to a postgraduate Certificate of Education at Birmingham University. She achieved an MA in the Philosophy of Education and dedicated much of her life promoting historical knowledge and enquiry, encouraging enthusiasm and excitement in the learning...

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  • Bolton Vice-President Receives National Award

    23rd June 2013

    The Vice-President of the Bolton Branch of the Historical Association has received a national award for services to history. Dr Glyn Redworth has been made an Honorary Fellow of the Historical Association and was presented with his award by Association President, Professor Jackie Eales, at a ceremony in London. Fellowships are awarded...

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  • HA Dissertation Prize Winners 2012

    28th May 2013

    The Historical Association is again proud to support the work of Archives and Archivists by presenting its award for Best Dissertation 2012. The winner is Ronan Deazley: 'The Yeti in the Archive: Copyright, Risk and Reform,' from the University of Glasgow. The judges said ' This is a hot topic that...

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  • Thank you from the President of the HA

    13th May 2013

    In response to a speech by Michael Gove on 9th May 2013, the following letter from 54 historians was published in The Times on 14th May 2013. As President of the Historical Association, I would like to thank the signatories for their support'. Professor Jackie Eales   Tuesday, 14 May...

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  • HA Archive Awards: Dissertation winners for theses completed in 2011

    24th June 2012

    First prize to Louisa Bruton for her dissertation: 'Avoir ou a voir: assessing the accessibility of foreign-language records in the archival repositories of the UK and Ireland' (unpublished MA, University of Liverpool, 2011) The judges thought this was an outstanding and sophisticated thesis that raised important questions, showed excellent archival...

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  • Grimsby Branch Celebrates 50 years!

    29th April 2012

    May 2012 marks a special birthday for the Grimsby Branch of the Historical Association. To celebrate, the President, Professor Jackie Eales, will speak on the English Civil Wars on Friday May 18th at 7pm. All are welcome at this event. It will take place at the Markham Hall, St James's...

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  • The Young Quills - 2012

    26th April 2012

    People like learning about history - its official. Time and again history is rated as a popular topic for television documentaries, radio programmes and the factual book lists. Historians are becoming celebrities just as 10 years ago chefs were. One of its strengths is that historical knowledge can be learnt...

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  • HA Dissertation Prizes 2010

    8th June 2011

    The HA prizes for student dissertations from archivist postgraduate courses for 2010 have been awarded. First prize goes to Elizabeth Morgan from University College London, for her work on ‘Delivering Value for Money: why and how institutional archives should market themselves to their internal publics.' The judges agreed that her...

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