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  • Gift Membership


    Historical Association membership is the perfect gift for anybody who studies, teaches or simply has a love of history. HA membership is not only a unique and personal gift but also helps to support the HA's work as a charity. Call us on 0300 100 0223 to set up gift membership...

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  • HA Conference Round-up 2018

    25th May 2018

    Alas it is gone (possibly pursued by a bear or two). If you weren’t in Stratford-upon-Avon on the weekend of 18-19 May then you missed a corker. If you were there, please let us know what you thought by filling out our short HA conference evaluation form.  Day 1: Civil liberties, Cymbeline... and a lot...

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  • Teaching History 168: out now

    20th September 2017

    ‘Are we nearly there yet?’ In England, as we embark on another academic year with no end in sight to curriculum reform, this particular journey does seem to have gone on for a long time. When grappling with the challenges posed by simultaneous reforms to both A-level and GCSE the demands of...

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  • Teaching History 167: Out now

    20th June 2017

    Narratives speak far beyond the facts they contain. The very act of choosing two facts to put together in a sequence, and the way they are put together - whether implying causality, linkage or independence – sends messages to the reader which can be radically different from those in another...

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  • HA Conference 2017 - Report

    18th May 2017

    The Historical Association Annual Conference is always an exciting time – an opportunity to listen to expert speakers, share ideas, discuss different approaches, learn something new, meet with  old friends, make new ones and generally embrace history geekdom. This year in Manchester was no exception. Over 350 people descended on...

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  • Teaching History 166: Out now

    3rd April 2017

    What are we trying to achieve through teaching history? What are we trying to achieve by teaching at all? As readers of this journal we practise our craft in a variety of educational settings and geographical locations – are all of our aims and purposes the same? Should they be?...

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  • National History Book Competition 2017

    News Item

    Following its successful launch last year, the Historical Association and Amberley Publishing are delighted to announce details of the competition for this year. The aim of the competition is to find the best unpublished history book either from an aspiring or an established author. Whether you have a completed manuscript...

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  • Curriculum Partnership Enrichment Scheme for Schools

    6th March 2017

    Dialogue between teachers and their students is of course an important part of the teaching and learning process, but when this is multiplied to include not only teachers and students across different nation-states or jurisdictions, but also the different perspectives that they can bring to the same historical unit or...

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  • Young Quills 2017 Longlist

    3rd March 2017

    Answer: The Historical Association’s The Young Quills selection The Young Quills are awards for the best new historical fiction for children and young people. The emphasis is on new – each year lots of books are published for children, many of them covering historical themes. However, are they any good...

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  • Professor W.A. Speck

    1st March 2017

    We are very sad to announce the death of Professor Bill Speck. Bill was President of the HA from 1999 to 2002 and editor of the journal History from 1986 to 1992. Bill was a greatly admired and respected historian as well as a kind and much loved person. He...

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