Ealing Branch History
Branch History

The Ealing Branch was formed shortly after the second world war. Among its founder members was Gordon Batho, then a schoolboy at Ealing County Grammar School for Boys and now President of the Durham branch of the Historical Association and Emeritus Professor of Education at Durham University.
The Ealing branch holds a series of monthly evening talks from September to May each year, one of which - usually in February - is on a topic specifically aimed to attract sixth form students of history from local schools. Tea and coffee with biscuits are available before meetings. Some ten years ago attendance at meetings was declining and it was decided to augment the programme of talks by organising visits in the spring and autumn to places of interest in and around London.
Publicity was also addressed and members were advised of the programme and other newsworthy information in a branch newsletter issued to all members three times a year. These efforts met with success and attendance at meetings has increased. The active membership of the branch includes not only local teachers of history but also, and perhaps predominantly, others with a non-professional interest in the subject. Associate membership of the branch is currently £12 a year and visitors and guests are welcome at £3 per session.