HA Branches in Wales
Branch details by region

Cardiff Branch
Branch contact: All enquiries to Professor Peter Edbury Edbury@cardiff.ac.uk
Venue: All talks are on Zoom and free to all.
For further information about Cardiff Branch meetings, please see the programme link below.
Gwent Branch
All meetings start at 7pm and we meet from September to March, no meeting in December. In the summer months visits are arranged (usually just a month or two in advance).
All branch enquiries to Tessa Merrett tessamerrett@gmail.com 01495 225752 or mob 07929 369513
Branch Associate Membership is £20 and visitor fees are £3.50 per meeting.
Meeting Venue: St Augustine’s Church Hall, Commercial Street, Pontllanfraith, Blackwood, NP12 2JG
The Church Hall is immediately behind St Augustine’s church. There is a large car park adjoining the church and church hall, and parking is free of charge. The car park is accessed directly off a roundabout on Commercial Street, on the B4251.
For further information about Gwent Branch meetings, please see the programme link below.
Swansea Branch
The ‘catchment area' of the Swansea Branch is south-west Wales (anywhere that has an SA postcode, in fact, and sometimes a little beyond), and our aim is to bring together people who share an interest in, and love for History. Monthly talks are held at the National Waterfront Museum, Swansea. Times and venues for other events are as stated in the programme.
Branch Contact: Liz McSloy, Secretary historyliz1565@yahoo.com
Venue: National Waterfront Museum, Oystermouth Rd, Maritime Quarter, Swansea SA1 3RD
All talks take place on the third Saturday of each month (unless otherwise stated) and start at 11am
Associate membership: £10 per year, Concessionary (part time workers, retired, unwaged) and Student membership: £5 per year, Family (household) membership: £15 per year.
All talks are free to attend and no booking is required. Please check the branch website for any changes to the published programme.
Branch website www.haswansea.org.uk
History Blog: https://swanseaha.wordpress.com
History Blog newsfeed link: https://swanseaha.wordpress.com/feed/
Facebook: facebook.com/histassocswan
X (formally twitter) x.com/histassoc_swan
Swansea Branch website: www.haswansea.org.uk
Conwy Borough Branch
Branch Contact: Gemma Campbell conwyboroughha@gmail.com
Meetings are held on the third Monday of the month at Sheldons, 8 Penrhyn Rd, Colwyn Bay LL29 8LG unless otherwise stated.
Refreshments will be available to purchase (payment not included with the talk).
Doors open at 6.30 for refreshments and networking, talks begin at 7pm.
HA members free, visitors £3
For further information about our branch in North Wales, please see the programme link below.