The Swansea Branch Chronicle 4
Branch Publication
By Editor: Margaret McCloy, published 12th April 2014

Victorian Edition
This edition features articles on the following:
- From the Editor
- Nineteenth Century Facts
- The Cry for Meaning, Richard Nye
- The Nineteenth Century
- The Merthyr Rising, Steffan ap-Daffyd
- Pembrokeshire Slate in the 19th Century, Alan John Richards
- Ann of Swansea, Caroline Franklin
- Book Review, Neath Antiquarian Volume 2
- Stalin, Hitler and Mr Jones
- Letter and Book Review
- Robert Burns 1759 - 1796, John Law
- Branch Outreach Activities
- Letters from WW1 - Winter Chronicle
- AGM 2014
- Dylan Thomas
- End-Piece
- Branch Programme and Membership
Attached files:
- The Swansea Branch Chronicle 4
4.3 MB PDF document