Nottingham Branch Programme

Nottingham Branch Programme 2024-25

Meetings are held at 2pm on Wednesdays in Bromley House Library, Angel Row, Nottingham NG1 6HL, unless otherwise stated. (With your back to the City Hall, the Library entrance is on the left, not far from the Square and is between Barnardo’s and MSR Newsagents). Bromley House is a listed building and, as yet, does not have lift access. Access to Bromley House is available only from 30 minutes before the lecture, and to the lecture room 15 minutes before.

*If you wish to attend a meeting, please reserve a place by emailing Chris Wrigley a week before:


16 October 2024

‘Erasmus Darwin, the Darwin Family and Nottinghamshire in the Eighteenth Century’

Professor Paul Elliott (Derby University)


23 October 2024

‘Fighting Bolsheviks, fooling Nazis and making history: the extraordinary Robert Bruce Lockart.’

Professor James Crossland (Liverpool John Moores University)


4 December 2024

‘The Transformation of Parliament in the Fourteenth Century: People, Politics and Power’.

Associate Professor Gwilym Dodd (Nottingham University)


8 January 2025

‘The Archaeology of the Caves of Nottingham’

Dr Chris King (Nottingham University)


26 March 2025

‘Lenin: Maker or Breaker of the Russian Revolution?’

Professor Christopher Read (Warwick University)


9 April 2025

‘British travellers and the discovery of the Alhambra in the Eighteenth Century’

Professor Roely Sweet (Leicester University)


7 May 2025

‘How One Woman Conquered Mexico: The Legacy of Malintz’s / Doña Marina, the conquistadors’ indigenous interpreter’

Dr Amy Fuller (Nottingham Trent University)