Past event resources
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Recorded Webinar: Philip IV
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Recorded Webinar: Robespierre and Danton: Heroes of the French Revolution?
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Recorded Webinar: Understanding Lenin’s Government, 1917-24
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Recorded Webinar: New Approaches to Classical Sparta
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Recorded Webinar: African economic development in historical perspective
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Recorded Webinar: Why have the Chinese rediscovered World War II?
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Recorded webinar: Britain's eighteenth-century tradition of popular riot and protest
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Virtual Branch Recording: Henry III and Simon de Montfort
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Virtual Branch recording: The British Templars
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Virtual Branch recording: Tudor Liveliness?
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Virtual Branch recording: The Women's World Committee against War & Fascism
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Virtual Branch recording: Empires of the Normans
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Film: Medlicott Lecture 2023 - Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch
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Virtual Branch recording: Henry Christophe, the Haitian Revolution and the Caribbean's Forgotten Kingdom
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Film: Living with Violence at the End of the British Empire
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Virtual Branch recording: The survival strategies of the Near Eastern powers facing Mongol invasion.
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Recorded Webinar: Mass-Observing Modern Britain
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Film: A short history of Islamic thought
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Recorded Webinar: Writing historical fiction - Writing and revision
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Recorded Webinar: Writing historical fiction - Research and planning
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