The modern world cannot be studied without examining the course, impact and legacy of two world wars, the resources in this section set out to look at both the First and Second World Wars in their global context. The section also includes the Cold War and its impact in Latin America, South-East Asia and parts of Africa. This period also sees the rise and fall of European imperialism and the changing nature of global politics and economics as technology brings different stories from so many parts of the world directly to us. Read more
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The Pennsylvanian Origins of British Abolitionism
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Buffalo Bill and his Wild West show opens London's Earl Court in 1887
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Russian Revolution: Social Movements between the Revolutions Feb-Oct 1917
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Stalin 1928-1941: Listen to the podcast of Dr Jane McDermid's lecture on Stalin
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The Japanese History Textbook Controversy: a Content Analysis
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Attitudes to Liberty and Enslavement: the career of James Irving, a Liverpool slave ship surgeon and captain
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A-Level Essay: To what extent does the art of the Edo period of Japan reflect the contentment of the classes within its society?
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Iconic Images of War: photographs that changed history
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Lyndon Johnson & Albert Gore: Southern New Dealers and the Modern South
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Echoes of Tsushima
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Brazil and the two World Wars
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Personality & Power: The individual's role in the history of twentieth-century Europe
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Nineteenth Century African chiefs in Nuneaton: A local mystery uncovered
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Pressure and Persuasion Canadian agents and Scottish emigration, c. 1870- c. 1930
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Radiating the Revolution: Agitation in the Russian Civil War 1917-21
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The origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
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The Uses of History in the Twenty First Century
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Bertrand Russell's Role in the Cuban Missile Crisis
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‘Savages and rattlesnakes’ Washington, District of Columbia: A British Diplomat's view 1823-5
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Joseph Priestley's American Dream
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