Found 2,500 results matching 'brief history'

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  • The teaching and learning of history for 15-16 year olds: have the Japanese anything to learn from the English experience

      Teaching History article
    What would you expect the differences to be between Japan and England in how pupils learn history in the post-14 phase? Perhaps your guess would be: Japanese school students learn a lot of historical facts and focus upon their own identity and English school students talk a lot more in...
    The teaching and learning of history for 15-16 year olds: have the Japanese anything to learn from the English experience
  • Communicating about the past: Resource G

    James Woodcock, 'Does the linguistic release the conceptual? Helping Year 10 to improve their causal reasoning' in Teaching History 119: Language issue (June, 2005) In this subtle article, James Woodcock experiments with introducing new vocabulary to a mixed-ability year 10 class working towards the enquiry question '"Hitler was not to...
    Communicating about the past: Resource G
  • Developing transferable knowledge at A-level

      Teaching History article
    From a compartmentalised to a complicated past: developing transferable knowledge at A-level Students find it difficult to join up the different things they study into a complex account of the past. Examination specifications do not necessarily help with this because of the way in which history is divided up into...
    Developing transferable knowledge at A-level
  • Lecture recording: West Africa from the Rise of the Slave Trade to the Age of Revolution

      A Fistful of Shells
    In this Virtual Branch webinar we were joined in conversation with Dr Toby Green on his acclaimed book 'A Fistful of Shells'. Shortlisted for the 2020 Wolfson Prize and winner of the 2019 Nayef Al-Rodhan Prize for Global Cultural Understanding, the book explores West Africa from the Rise of the...
    Lecture recording: West Africa from the Rise of the Slave Trade to the Age of Revolution
  • Out and About in Ardmore, County Waterford

      Historian article
    Within the historic landscape it is frequently possible to identify the impact of deeply religious figures who have exercised very real and long-lasting spiritual influence on their communities and indeed on the very landscape itself.Often these are shadowy figures in a distant past where myth and history intertwine. Sometimes it is...
    Out and About in Ardmore, County Waterford
  • Teaching the iGeneration

      Teaching History article
    Teaching the iGeneration: what possibilities exist in and beyond the history classroom? The development of communications technology in recent years has not only changed the ways in which students can access their world: it also changes the way they think about it. Sheldrake and Watkin draw here upon work that...
    Teaching the iGeneration
  • New, Novice or Nervous? 150: Getting pupils to see change over time

      Teaching History feature
    This page is the starting point for all who are new to the published writings of history teachers. Every problem you wrestle with, other history teachers have wrestled with too. Quick fixes don't exist. But if you discover others' writing, you'll soon find - and want to join - something...
    New, Novice or Nervous? 150: Getting pupils to see change over time
  • Teaching about the German Occupation of Jersey through the Occupation Tapestry

      Primary History article
    The German Occupation and subsequent liberation of Jersey is particularly significant for schools in Jersey and is included in a new history curriculum being trialled for Key Stage 1 and 2 to be implemented in 2023. For children in Jersey, it relates to a significant event at Key Stage 1...
    Teaching about the German Occupation of Jersey through the Occupation Tapestry
  • What Have Historians Been Arguing About... youth culture?

      Teaching History feature
    For such a boldly iconoclastic work, the Key Stage 3 textbook A New Focus on ... British Social History, c.1920–2000 (2023) provides a disarmingly conventional account of youth in the 1960s as ‘mostly better educated and informed than their parents had been at their age [and able] … to find...
    What Have Historians Been Arguing About... youth culture?
  • Poverty in Britain: A development study for Key Stage 2

      Primary History article
    One of the requirements for Key Stage 2 history is for some history that extends beyond 1066. Various suggestions have been made including an examination of change within a social theme. The example given is Crime and Punishment but the opportunities for something interesting are vast. This article focuses on...
    Poverty in Britain: A development study for Key Stage 2
  • A search beyond the classroom: using a museum to support the renewal of a scheme of work

      Teaching History Article
    How many times have you been to a museum or a historical building or a significant place and thought that you want to capture some of its essence to bring back to your pupils? The challenges of geography, risk, expense and staffing can all act as limitations in the planning...
    A search beyond the classroom: using a museum to support the renewal of a scheme of work
  • Recorded webinar: Queer beyond London

    London has tended to dominate accounts of LGBTQ Britain… but how did local contexts beyond the capital affect queer identities and communities? This talk by Professor Matt Cook looks at Brighton, Plymouth, Manchester and Leeds to illustrate the difference locality makes to queer lives. * Please note: while this webinar...
    Recorded webinar: Queer beyond London
  • Taj ul-Alam Safiatuddin Syah: a trailblazing Islamic queen

      Historian article
    Khadija Tauseef introduces the first of four successive sultanahs of Aceh during the seventeenth century. As the sun sets on the glorious reign of Queen Elizabeth II, we pause and look back at the many queens that have contributed greatly to our historical heritage. While female sovereigns in Islamic kingdoms were a...
    Taj ul-Alam Safiatuddin Syah: a trailblazing Islamic queen
  • Out and About in Washington DC

      Historian feature
    Not everyone loves the capital of the United States. To Ulysses S Grant, it was a ‘pestilential swamp’; to novelist Gore Vidal, a ‘city of the dead’. It is true that Washington still has its problems. The District of Columbia has the highest crime rate in the United States, and the...
    Out and About in Washington DC
  • What do children think about the the royal family and the coronation of King Charles III? 

      Pupil voice vox pops films
    Recently, Princess Anne, the Princess Royal, was interviewed for American television about the future of the monarchy and thoughts about a slimmed down royal family in line with how some European royal families operate. At a recent event in partnership with City, University of London and Southampton University about the...
    What do children think about the the royal family and the coronation of King Charles III? 
  • Research the history of the fire service in the local community

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Jayne Pascoe, third year BEd trainee teacher describes the use of the fire service in her assignment on 'exploring an aspect of local history'.
    Research the history of the fire service in the local community
  • Teaching History 41

    Editorial BEd Students at Work in a Middle School, Michael Gibson 3 Report: The First BALH young Historians' workshop, David Haynes & Ray Acton 5 BBC Educational Broadcasting and Irish History, Victor Kelly 6 Whose Class Is It Anyway? Ian Jones 8 Report: The Second National Conference, Sneh Shalt 11...
    Teaching History 41
  • Case Study: Using Archives Creatively

      Primary History article
    Editorial note: Further details of this project and others can be found in Using Archives Creatively (Chapter 4) in ‘Teaching History Creatively' edited by Hilary Cooper published by Routledge in December 2012. Archive Centres support innovative teaching Using archive documentation Some teachers, especially those with little training in teaching History,...
    Case Study: Using Archives Creatively
  • Robespierre: a reluctant terrorist?

    After a revolution to remove the monarchy did the French revolutionaries create another leadership of power over ideals? William Doyle re-evaluates the reputation of the so-called architect of terror during the French Revolutionary years. Two recent books reflect a seemingly endless fascination with the man whose downfall brought the end...
    Robespierre: a reluctant terrorist?
  • Uncovering the hidden histories: black and Asian people in the two world wars

      Teaching History Article
    The stories we tell in history are often stories about ourselves. This can lead to tremendous distortion. Rupert Gaze was shocked when a young black student told him that there was no point in his studying the Second World War because it had nothing to do with him or his...
    Uncovering the hidden histories: black and Asian people in the two world wars
  • Migration - GCSE

      Links to Articles & Podcasts
    Podcasts Podcast Series: England's Immigrants 1330-1550 Podcast Series: Social & Political Change in the UK 1800-present: Part 3 Diversity - A Changing Population Podcast Series: Diversity in Early Modern Britain Social & Political Change in the UK 1800-present: Part 5 Religion The Huguenots in Britain & Ireland  Native North Americans...
    Migration - GCSE
  • Potential and pitfalls in teaching 'big pictures' of the past

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Jonathan Howson summarises findings from the recent ESRC funded research project - Usable Historical Pasts - and suggests how its insights might inform continuing professional debate and enquiry concerning both frameworks and ‘big pictures'. In...
    Potential and pitfalls in teaching 'big pictures' of the past
  • After the revolution: did Cromwell, Washington and Bonaparte betray revolutionary principles?

      Historian article
    This article examines the aftermath of three epoch-making periods of change – the English, American, and French Revolutions. A comparison of the trio of military commanders who gained power as a direct consequence of these upheavals reveals how the very political radicalism which brought them to power also threatened to...
    After the revolution: did Cromwell, Washington and Bonaparte betray revolutionary principles?
  • Introductory film: Lenin - Interpretations

      Part of the HA Interpretations Film Series: Power and authority in Russia and the Soviet Union
    Log in below to preview the introductory film - available to all registered users of the website. This open access introductory film forms part of our ongoing film series on Power and authority in Russia and the Soviet Union. All the films are available through the Student Zone with corporate secondary membership. ...
    Introductory film: Lenin - Interpretations
  • The Charles Dickens Primary School Project

      Historian article
    For many years London South Bank University [LSBU] trainee teachers have been engaged in a wide range of mini history-led, cross-curricular projects in local primary schools, culminating in the students teaching lessons to groups of children. Some of these projects have been on different aspects of community history, including in-depth...
    The Charles Dickens Primary School Project