Found 469 results matching '2025'

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  • Oxford Branch Programme

        Entry to meetings is free for HA members, non-members £2 per meeting. Associate membership of the branch is £10.00, couple at the same address £15.00, full-time students under 30 £6.00. Schools wishing to bring groups of students to meetings will be asked to pay £10 for the group....
    Oxford Branch Programme
  • Isle of Wight Branch Programme

    Enquiries to Caroline Jacobs or 07988 171 708 Unless otherwise stated, meetings take place at the Riverside Centre, The Quay, Newport, IW PO30 2QR, starting at 7.30pm and finishing at approximately 9.00pm. Doors open at 7.00pm  Meetings are free to national and local branch members, visitors £3   Wednesday,...
    Isle of Wight Branch Programme
  • East Sussex Branch Programme

    All meetings (except The History Day) will be held from 7-9 pm in the large upstairs room at Bibendum, 1 Grange Road, Eastbourne BN21 4EU, a short walk from the railway station. The History Day will from 9.30 am – 2 pm on Saturday 1 June at St Saviour’s Church...
    East Sussex Branch Programme
  • Film: Foreign Intervention in the Cold War

      Branch Lecture: Nuneaton Branch
    This filmed Branch Lecture entitled "Foreign Intervention in the Cold War" features Dr Volker Prott of Aston University. In his talk, Dr Prott, looks at three international crises of the 1960s and early 1970s, the Congo Crisis, the Kashmir dispute and the Indo Pakistan conflict over East Pakistan/Bangladesh. Dr Prott examines when, why and...
    Film: Foreign Intervention in the Cold War
  • Harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for teaching history and geography

      Joint event from the Historical Association and Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)
    Artificial Intelligence is becoming more and more prevalent in society and many occupational sectors. But what about teaching? Is AI a threat to history and geography teaching, assessment and quality assurance? Or is it the saviour for teacher workload and a creative force that can bring our subjects to life...
    Harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for teaching history and geography
  • Teaching Stalinism: knowledge and pedagogy rebooted

      Joint event from the Historical Association, Northumbria University and the Study Group of the Russian Revolution
    Book your place // This joint event from the Historical Association, Northumbria University and the Study Group on the Russian Revolution is aimed at secondary and sixth-form history teachers, lecturers, and trainee teachers. It will focus on the changes in research and pedagogy on Stalinism. Under Stalin’s leadership from 1929...
    Teaching Stalinism: knowledge and pedagogy rebooted
  • Women's History Month

      1st March 2023
    March is Women's History Month.  10-19 March is also National Science and Engineering Week and we have decided to extend this week for historical purposes and to celebrate women's involvement in this field. Too often women have found themselves bypassed on the lists of our science and engineering heroes. Therefore, we would like...
    Women's History Month
  • On-demand webinar: Interpretations

      Secondary webinar recording release for 2023–24
    Webinar series: Making substantive and disciplinary knowledge work together in the secondary history curriculum Session 4: Interpretations  This series of four webinars looks at ways of assessing disciplinary knowledge so that it is working alongside, and pushing forwards, substantive knowledge. This webinar will concentrate on the disciplinary concept of interpretations, looking at...
    On-demand webinar: Interpretations
  • On-demand webinar: Significance

      Secondary webinar recording release for 2023–24
    Webinar series: Making substantive and disciplinary knowledge work together in the secondary history curriculum Session 3: Significance This series of four webinars looks at ways of assessing disciplinary knowledge so that it is working alongside, and pushing forwards, substantive knowledge. This webinar will concentrate on the disciplinary concept of significance, looking at...
    On-demand webinar: Significance
  • On-demand webinar: Change and Continuity

      Secondary webinar recording release for 2023–24
    Webinar series: Making substantive and disciplinary knowledge work together in the secondary history curriculum Session 2: Change and Continuity  This series of four webinars looks at ways of assessing disciplinary knowledge so that it is working alongside, and pushing forwards, substantive knowledge. This webinar will concentrate on the disciplinary concepts of change...
    On-demand webinar: Change and Continuity
  • On-demand webinar: Causation and Consequence

      Secondary webinar recording release for 2023–24
    Webinar series: Making substantive and disciplinary knowledge work together in the secondary history curriculum Session 1: Causation and Consequence  This series of four webinars looks at ways of assessing disciplinary knowledge so that it is working alongside, and pushing forwards, substantive knowledge. This webinar will concentrate on the disciplinary concepts of...
    On-demand webinar: Causation and Consequence
  • On-demand webinar: Creating curriculum pathways: Civilisation

      Primary webinar recording release for 2023–24
    Webinar series: Creating curriculum pathways through primary history at Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Session 7: Civilisation An overview will be given of the development of historic civilisations including references to the Bronze and Iron Ages, ancient civilisations, Ancient Greeks, Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. This will include links...
    On-demand webinar: Creating curriculum pathways: Civilisation
  • On-demand webinar: Creating curriculum pathways: War

      Primary webinar recording release for 2023–24
    Webinar series: Creating curriculum pathways through primary history at Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Session 5: War An overview will be given of the development of warfare over time from the Stone, Bronze and Iron ages and taking in ancient civilisations, Greeks, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, and Vikings. This overview...
    On-demand webinar: Creating curriculum pathways: War
  • On-demand webinar: Creating curriculum pathways: Religion

      Primary webinar recording release for 2023–24
    Webinar series: Creating curriculum pathways through primary history at Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Session 4: Religion An overview will be given of the development of religions and interactions between them from the Stone Age onwards, taking in ancient civilisations, ancient Greece, The Romans, Anglo-Saxons, and Vikings and...
    On-demand webinar: Creating curriculum pathways: Religion
  • On-demand webinar: Creating curriculum pathways: Empire

      Primary webinar recording release for 2023–24
    Webinar series: Creating curriculum pathways through primary history at Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Session 3: Empire An overview will be given of the development of empires over time taking in those that developed in ancient civilisations such as Egypt, colonisation by Greek city states and the empire...
    On-demand webinar: Creating curriculum pathways: Empire
  • On-demand webinar: Creating curriculum pathways: Monarchy

      Primary webinar recording release for 2023–24
    Webinar series: Creating curriculum pathways through primary history at Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Session 2: MonarchyPlease note this webinar was recorded in May 2022, before the death of Queen Elizabeth II.  Reference will be made to the study of possible significant individuals at Key Stage 1 such...
    On-demand webinar: Creating curriculum pathways: Monarchy
  • On-demand webinar: Creating curriculum pathways: Trade

      Primary webinar recording release for 2023–24
    Webinar series: Creating curriculum pathways through primary history at Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Session 1: Trade An overview will be given of the development of trade within and between historic civilisations and cultures from the Neolithic period of the Stone Age onwards. This will include examples of...
    On-demand webinar: Creating curriculum pathways: Trade
  • Recorded webinar: Teaching history during a climate emergency: how can we respond?

      HA Virtual Forum, November 2021
    We are at a vital moment in our attempt to tackle the climate crisis. Global warming is an inter-disciplinary challenge for the world and an inter-disciplinary challenge in education, too. In this talk, Alison Kitson argues that history provides a vital perspective that enables young people to understand our interaction...
    Recorded webinar: Teaching history during a climate emergency: how can we respond?
  • The Historian 151: Out now

      The magazine of the Historical Association
    Read The Historian 151: Branches As life begins to return to some semblance of normality for many people, numerous HA branches are also resuming in-person meetings this autumn. Although online platforms such as Zoom offered branches the opportunity to continue running lectures and email allowed us to keep in touch...
    The Historian 151: Out now
  • The Historian 151: Branches

      The magazine of the Historical Association
    4 Reviews 5 Editorial (Read article) 8 Cinderella dreams: young love in postwar Britain – Carol Dyhouse (Read article) 14 The secret diaries of William Wilberforce – John Coffey (Read article) 20 Old age care in the time of crisis: London in the sixteenth century – Christine Fox (Read article) 25 The cultural...
    The Historian 151: Branches
  • Diversity resources and links for secondary history

      Articles, podcasts, films, webinar recordings and links
    Categories Diversity: general | Race and ethnicity | Empire and decolonisation | Transatlantic slavery | Non-European | Migration and immigration | Women's history | Working-class history | LGBTQI+ | Disability & accessibility | Gypsy, Roma & Traveller history | Teaching controversial issues | Inclusion and SEND Please note that this is a...
    Diversity resources and links for secondary history
  • Pull-out posters: Primary History 86

      Re-imagining statues: how should we do this? and Historical fiction prizes: Summer 2020
    Re-imagining statues: how should we do this? Historical fiction prizes: Summer 202
    Pull-out posters: Primary History 86
  • Primary History pull-out posters 84

      Kindertransport sculpture and 2020 historical anniversaries
    'Kindertransport – The Arrival' by Frank Meisler Some important historical anniversaries that occur in 2020
    Primary History pull-out posters 84
  • History 330

      The Journal of the Historical Association
    Articles1. News from Somewhere: Enhanced Sociability and the Composite Definition of Utopia and Dystopia (pages 145-173) - Gregory Claeys2. A Brotherhood of Britons? Public Schooling, esprit de corps and Colonial Officials in Africa, c.1900-1939 (pages 174-190) - Christopher Prior3. Operation Market Garden: Strategic Masterstroke or Battle of the Egos? (pages...
    History 330
  • The Yeomanry, 1913

      Historian article
    The Territorial Force, as formed in 1908, had 54 cavalry regiments organised in 14 brigades and known collectively as the Yeomanry. This meant that the Yeomanry consisted of 1,168 officers and 23,049 other ranks in September 1913 out of a Territorial Force which numbered 9,390 officers and 236,389 other ranks....
    The Yeomanry, 1913