The New History: Theory into Practice
Classic Teaching History Pamphlets
Pleas for the 'New History' have now become so commonplace that, if implementation had in anyway matched recommendation, the term 'New' would have ceased to be appropriate. Unfortunately, there appeares to be little agreement as to what the 'New; History is or should be. In what sense, if any, can pupils...
The New History: Theory into Practice
Roman Baths
Lesson Plan
Please note: this lesson was produced as part of the Nuffield Primary History project (1991-2009) and pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum. It is part of a full sequence of lessons available here.
The account tells how we recreated a Roman bath house in the Reception/Year 1 classroom during a ten-week unit learning about...
Roman Baths
Viking travel
Lesson Plan (KS2)
Please note: this lesson was produced as part of the Nuffield Primary History project (1991-2009) and pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum. It is part of a full sequence of lessons available here.
How did the Vikings travel so far?
Using photos to investigate a Viking longboat. (See Gokstad ship for links to photographs.)
Viking travel
Weaving historical scholarship into primary history: Benin
On-demand webinars for primary teachers
Webinar series: Weaving historical scholarship into primary history
Primary teachers are expected to be experts in everything. If you feel that your history subject knowledge could do with a brush up, then this series is for you. The Historical Association has teamed up with some leading historians and experienced teachers...
Weaving historical scholarship into primary history: Benin
Weaving historical scholarship into primary history: Anglo-Saxons
On-demand webinars for primary teachers
Webinar series: Weaving historical scholarship into primary history
Primary teachers are expected to be experts in everything. If you feel that your history subject knowledge could do with a brush up, then this series is for you. The Historical Association has teamed up with some leading historians and experienced teachers...
Weaving historical scholarship into primary history: Anglo-Saxons
Weaving historical scholarship into primary history: Ancient Greece
Webinar series: Weaving historical scholarship into primary history
Primary teachers are expected to be experts in everything. If you feel that your history subject knowledge could do with a brush up, then this series is for you. The Historical Association has teamed up with some leading historians and experienced teachers...
Weaving historical scholarship into primary history: Ancient Greece
Richard III and the Princes in the Tower: update
Historian article
Richard III is one of the most famous kings of England, as much for his Shakespearean mythology as for the reality of his reign. Here, the different accounts of him are explored to shed light on some of his actions and legacy.
The fascination evoked by Richard III and the...
Richard III and the Princes in the Tower: update
Exeter Branch History
Branch History
A Brief History of the Exeter BranchExeter was one of the seventeen pre-First World War branches, founded in November 1906, the same year as the Historical Association itself. The Exeter branch was founded by Professor Walter (W.J.) Harte who became President of the (national) Historical Association 1932-36. Harte was appointed...
Exeter Branch History
Cunning Plan 159: Putting the people into Magna Carta
Teaching History feature
Does your heart skip with excitement at the prospect of a Year 7 lesson on Magna Carta? No? Magna Carta may be an important part of the long-term story of royal power and individual liberties but it is not a topic that excites many teachers. If it were, teachers would...
Cunning Plan 159: Putting the people into Magna Carta
Teaching History 197: Public History
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
Please note: the print edition of Teaching History 197 will be arriving with members early in the New Year.
03 Editorial (Read article)
04 HA Secondary News
06 HA Update: Talk more to write better
08 Beyond and behind the ‘quiet bus lady’: tracing the popular memory of Rosa Parks with Year...
Teaching History 197: Public History
Teaching History 188: Representing History
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
02 Editorial (Read article for free)
03 HA Secondary News
04 HA Update: History in England’s primary schools: What do secondary history teachers need to know? (Read article)
10 ‘We are invisible!’ Ensuring Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children do not feel unseen in the history classroom – Richard Kerridge and Helen...
Teaching History 188: Representing History
Teaching History 196: Demanding History
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
03 Editorial (Read article - open access)
04 HA Secondary News
06 HA Update
08 Mudlarking in the Thames: evidence, ecology and enquiry – Maryam Dorudi (Read article)
19 Britain’s forgotten colony? Why Hong Kong deserves a place in the story of empire – Ollie Barnes (Read article)
32 Triumphs Show: Year 9...
Teaching History 196: Demanding History
Primary History summer resource 2020: Historical Fiction
This year's free summer resource for primary members explores historical fiction and how we can use it in our teaching and learning.
Historical fiction can be a potent tool for creating a ‘sense of period’, immersing us in the past through the power of narrative. When studying a particular historical period,...
Primary History summer resource 2020: Historical Fiction
Vikings: Egils Saga
Lesson Plan (KS2)
Please note: this lesson was produced as part of the Nuffield Primary History project (1991-2009) and pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum. It is part of a full sequence of lessons available here.
Key questions in this lesson were:
What did the Vikings value?
What can we discover from sagas and poetry?
(These resources...
Vikings: Egils Saga
Viking Burial Mound
Lesson Plan (KS2)
Please note: this lesson was produced as part of the Nuffield Primary History project (1991-2009) and pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum. It is part of a full sequence of lessons available here.
In this simulation of an excavation, the children investigate a past event and imaginatively reconstruct what happened, on the basis of the...
Viking Burial Mound
Sutton Hoo: describing artefacts found
Lesson Plan
Please note: this lesson was produced as part of the Nuffield Primary History project (1991-2009) and pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum. It is part of a full sequence of lessons available here.
Questions addressed in this lesson were:
What would you expect archaeologists to find at Sutton Hoo?
Why is it important to...
Sutton Hoo: describing artefacts found
Music and history combine at Key Stage 2
Primary History article
Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated.
Section 1: Introduction
Music is a powerful, emotive subject to enrich Historical, Geographical and Social Understanding. The Historical Association has a long and proud tradition of working closely with the Schools Music Association. In 2005, to...
Music and history combine at Key Stage 2
Historical Diary: An Eighteenth-Century Gap Year
Historian article
Historical diaries written by children are rare and only seven from England and the United States written before 1800 are known to have survived. One of these, found tucked away in the London Metropolitan Archive, is the diary of William Hugh Burgess, a fifteen year-old boy who grew up in...
Historical Diary: An Eighteenth-Century Gap Year
History 382
The Journal of the Historical Association, Volume 108, Issue 382
All HA members have access to all History journal articles (Wiley Online Library site). To access History content:
1. Sign in to the HA website (top right of any page)2. Then click this link to allow access to History content on the Wiley site.
NB all links below go to the Wiley Online Library site and open in a new window or tab.
Access the full edition online
History 382
The Origins of the Second Great War
Classic Pamphlet
This pamphlet provides a detailed account of the events leading up to the outbreak of war in 1939, covering the various factors that played a role in the outbreak of war such as tension over Poland and the Spanish Civil War, as well as the nature and effect of diplomatic...
The Origins of the Second Great War
Reading Branch History
Branch History
Brief outline history of the Reading Branch of the Historical AssociationReading is one of the places to have had a branch before the First World War, between 1908 and 1911 as was shown in The Historian, ‘The Branches of the Historical Association 1906-2006'. The story of the current Reading Branch,...
Reading Branch History
'History on Trial'
IJHLTR Article
International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research [IJHLTR], Volume 14, Number 2 – Spring/Summer 2017
ISSN: 14472-9474
This study discusses the relevance of morality in the explanation of controversial history. It presents a discourse analysis of two representative adolescents’ narratives from Mexico and Spain about the 16th century Spanish Conquest of...
'History on Trial'
Teaching History 193: Mediating History
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
03 Editorial (read article - open access)
04 HA Secondary News
04 HA Update
08 Laughing muppets, lost memories and lethal mutations: rescuing assessment from ‘knowledge-rich gone wrong’ – Christine Counsell (Read article)
26 ‘If we’ve been getting their name wrong, how else have they been misrepresented?’: Year 7 challenge stereotypes about the Mexica –...
Teaching History 193: Mediating History
Archimedes and the Kings Crown
Lesson Plan
Cross-curricular History and Science in the Literacy Hour
Problem-solving in science through story-telling: how did Archimedes work out much gold there was in the king's crown?
Archimedes is an excellent subject. Indeed, Archimedes offers an excellent cross-curricular lesson opportunity, as he covers science, mathematics and a range of other subjects,...
Archimedes and the Kings Crown
Exploring the relationship between historical significance and historical interpretation
Teaching History article
Jane Card’s previous work on the power of images in conveying particular interpretations and her advice about how to use visual material effectively in classrooms will be familiar to readers of Teaching History. In this article she focuses specifically on the capacity of visual representations to convey a compelling message about the...
Exploring the relationship between historical significance and historical interpretation