Found 469 results matching '2025'

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  • Primary virtual regional teachmeets

      Free online history teachmeets for primary teachers
    Teachmeets are a great way to find out what fellow teachers are doing in the classroom and beyond and to share practical ideas and inspiration. Over the past year, we have been inviting primary teachers across different UK regions to share their ideas and innovation in history teaching with the HA...
    Primary virtual regional teachmeets
  • Quality Mark assessors required

      Historical Association Quality Mark
    The Historical Association recognises and celebrates the outstanding history education and provision that is being delivered in schools. The HA's Quality Mark (QM) recognises and gives credit to those schools and individuals delivering a high-quality history education, as well as providing an aspirational framework for schools looking to improve provision....
    Quality Mark assessors required
  • Disability History Month

      News Item
    Physical, mental and neurological disability and differences have existed for as long as people have roamed the earth, with different cultures, groups and communities responding differently to how to support those individuals. How disability has been recognised and treated is not something that has always been recorded over human history,...
    Disability History Month
  • Career opportunity: join our Primary History Editorial Board

      16th October 2023
    We are looking for 4 volunteers: 2 Editors 2 Associate Editors Contribute to the teaching profession Details are set out below in respect of a fantastic opportunity to contribute to the teaching profession by volunteering for the HA, while at the same time enhancing your own career development. You will...
    Career opportunity: join our Primary History Editorial Board
  • Which historical place or person from your local area deserves greater recognition?

      Local history - get involved
    Each year, the HA hosts and promotes Local History Month in May, which seems like a long way  off right now but we believe in planning ahead. We also believe that now is the time to celebrate some of the rich history and histories that are found in our local...
    Which historical place or person from your local area deserves greater recognition?
  • Secondary Committee biographies

    Find out more about the HA's committees here  Helen Snelson (committee chair) Helen Snelson is the current chair of the Secondary Committee. She is the course leader of the History PGCE at the University of York. Helen taught history in 11-18 schools for over 20 years. In addition to supporting...
    Secondary Committee biographies
  • Webinar series: Decolonising the secondary history curriculum

      HA CPD for secondary history teachers and teacher educators
    Decolonising the secondary history curriculum: developing ideas and resources that can transform students’ knowledge and historical thinking What will you get out of this series? Confidence to challenge conventional longstanding narratives of English history A common understanding of what we mean when we talk about de-colonising the curriculum Ideas about...
    Webinar series: Decolonising the secondary history curriculum
  • Course: Supporting SEND pupils in your primary history lessons

      HA CPD course for history subject leaders in mainstream schools
    Do you struggle to engage your lower attaining or EAL pupils in their history lessons? Are you finding it difficult to ensure and demonstrate progression in history with these pupils? According to Department for Education statistics, in 2020 there were 1.4 million pupils across the UK with identified special educational...
    Course: Supporting SEND pupils in your primary history lessons
  • Webinar series: Making substantive and disciplinary knowledge work together in the secondary history curriculum

      HA on-demand webinar series for secondary history teachers
    The last few years have, rightly, seen a lot of discussion about 'what' we include in the history curriculum. This has meant that many schools now teach a wider-ranging and more inclusive form of history. As this work has an impact, it is important to continue to think about how...
    Webinar series: Making substantive and disciplinary knowledge work together in the secondary history curriculum
  • Webinar series: Creating curriculum pathways through primary history at Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

      HA on-demand webinar series for primary teachers
    This series of webinars explores the teaching of substantive concepts in primary history. The National Curriculum for history requires pupils to gain understanding about abstract concepts of substantive knowledge across periods, while the Ofsted framework expects to see teaching in greater depth than before. This practical series of webinars with...
    Webinar series: Creating curriculum pathways through primary history at Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
  • Windrush 75

      6th June 2023
    The ship the HMT Empire Windrush arrived into the UK on 22 June 1948. It carried 592 passengers from the Caribbean who were answering the UK Government’s call to fill jobs in Britain’s post-war economy. Between 1948–1971 many more Empire and Commonwealth citizens from the Caribbean islands would arrive in...
    Windrush 75
  • The Coronation of King Charles III

      2nd May 2023
    Saturday 6 May 2023 will see the first coronation of a British monarch for 70 years. Only those now in their 70s or above will remember the last one. The coronation ceremony has its roots in traditions over a thousand years old.  Whether you are a Royalist or a Republican or...
    The Coronation of King Charles III
  • 20th-century Italy: knowledge reboot for teachers of Italian history

      Partnership CPD from the Historical Association, Association for the Study of Modern Italy, University College London and Royal Holloway, University of London
    Saturday 3 June 2023, 10am–4.30pmUniversity of London This free knowledge booster day will be beneficial to teachers of Italian history at both Key Stages 4 and 5, as well as those teachers that teach Italian history as part of the A-level Italian language subject. There will be a series of...
    20th-century Italy: knowledge reboot for teachers of Italian history
  • History-specific support – for every career stage

      Register for the HA's SLT newsletter for more Our biannual SLT newsletter will give you up-to-date information and support on managing history including updates on current issues, priorities and policy issues. Register here Subject-specific support is an essential investment in your teaching staff, equipping them with the knowledge and...
    History-specific support – for every career stage
  • Women’s History Month: Female Voices

      Primary resources
    March is Women’s History Month each year. We have produced resources to support primary school assemblies exploring the history of female suffrage in the UK. If you would like some ideas for a special assembly during Women’s history month, download our assembly ideas and powerpoint presentation to support your school assembly....
    Women’s History Month: Female Voices
  • Bristol Branch Programme

    Bristol Branch Programme 2023-24 Branch Contact All enquiries to Mary Feerick Tel 0117 9442896 Venue: Most talks start at 7.30pm on a Wednesday once a month in term time and take place in the Humanities Building at 7 Woodland Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 1TB usually in lecture room BH05.LT....
    Bristol Branch Programme
  • 4 Ways to save on your membership

    At the HA, we know that budgets are tight and being able to afford access to the best resources, CPD, guidance and support can be difficult. In addition to tax relief, there are a number of other ways that you can save money on your membership fee: Claiming tax relief...
    4 Ways to save on your membership
  • Historical Association public statement on the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

      9th September 2022
    The Historical Association is deeply saddened by the death of our Patron, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. On behalf of our organisation and members we offer our sincere condolences to the Royal Family. For 70 years Elizabeth II has represented continuity and stability in an ever-changing world. Her life of...
    Historical Association public statement on the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
  • 70 years – 70 ‘things’ that tell our story - project update

      HA project to mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee
    Would you nominate the laptop computer or the mobile phone? Is it an image of the Maze Prison or of a map of Berlin that you would include on your list as objects that tell the story of the last 70 years? The Historical Association is putting togethera collection of...
    70 years – 70 ‘things’ that tell our story - project update
  • Pride: 50 years

      1st July 2022
    1 July is the 50th anniversary of the first Pride March in the UK, in 1972. Pride was chosen to be the Saturday closest to the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots of 1969. Starting life as a small event, Pride is now an annual part of the London calendar and...
    Pride: 50 years
  • Professional photographs for your school

      14th June 2022
    Would your school benefit from high-quality photos that can be used across your website and promotional literature? We are seeking primary and secondary schools who would be interested in working with the HA to carry out a joint photo shoot on site. All the photographic expenses would be met by...
    Professional photographs for your school
  • Webinar series: The Olympic Games

      Culture and political impact across the twentieth century
    A series of free talks 2024 is an Olympic Games year. Held every four years (with the exception of during the World Wars and Covid-19 restrictions), the modern Olympics is the largest international sporting event in the world. However, historically it has not always been just the sports that are played...
    Webinar series: The Olympic Games
  • The Falklands War anniversary

      1st April 2022
    This month (April 2022) is the 40th anniversary of the start of the Falklands Conflict. On 2 April 1982 an Argentinian Force of 3,000 men invaded the Falkland Islands taking the Islanders and the 80 Royal Marines stationed there by surprise. Despite pressure from the United Nations to withdraw the Argentinians attempted...
    The Falklands War anniversary
  • HA South West History Network

      10 Minute Mini CPD
    The HA South West Network are pleased to offer a new series of 10-minute Mini CPD sessions: bite-sized talks on what teachers in the South West are doing for everyone to enjoy. Details and booking links will be published on the Network's Twitter account @HASWNetwork.  Date Presenter Focus Tuesday 29...
    HA South West History Network
  • Ideas for Assemblies: Refugee stories

      Primary History feature
    Please note: this piece was written before Sir Mo Farah’s 2022 disclosure that he was trafficked to the UK as a child, so some of its content is no longer accurate. An assembly could focus on the achievements of their lives, experiences as child refugees and migrants, and how they overcame...
    Ideas for Assemblies: Refugee stories