Found 40 results matching 'revolutions' within Student > What's on   (Clear filter)

  • Recorded Webinar: Robespierre and Danton: Heroes of the French Revolution?

    One of the oldest myths of the French Revolution is the lethal rivalry between Robespierre and Danton: Robespierre the cold, bloodthirsty dictator who ruled France through Terror, versus Danton, the warm, humane, inspirational orator who wanted to stop Terror. Throughout the 19th century Robespierre was mostly depicted as a villain,...
    Recorded Webinar: Robespierre and Danton: Heroes of the French Revolution?
  • Virtual Branch recording: Henry Christophe, the Haitian Revolution and the Caribbean's Forgotten Kingdom

      The Black Crown
    How did a man born enslaved on a plantation triumph over Napoleon's invading troops and become king of the first free black nation in the Americas? This is the forgotten, remarkable story of Henry Christophe. Christophe fought as a child soldier in the American War of Independence, before serving in...
    Virtual Branch recording: Henry Christophe, the Haitian Revolution and the Caribbean's Forgotten Kingdom
  • Lecture recording: West Africa from the Rise of the Slave Trade to the Age of Revolution

      A Fistful of Shells
    In this Virtual Branch webinar we were joined in conversation with Dr Toby Green on his acclaimed book 'A Fistful of Shells'. Shortlisted for the 2020 Wolfson Prize and winner of the 2019 Nayef Al-Rodhan Prize for Global Cultural Understanding, the book explores West Africa from the Rise of the...
    Lecture recording: West Africa from the Rise of the Slave Trade to the Age of Revolution
  • Recorded Webinar: Britain's eighteenth-century tradition of popular riot and protest

    Eighteenth-century Britons were ruled by a restricted oligarchy of landowners and plutocrats. Yet the wider population had a proud tradition of assertiveness and readiness to protest. ‘Britons never will be slaves!’ as the chorus of 'Rule Britannia' (1740) announced pointedly (if somewhat ironically, in view of Britain’s role in the...
    Recorded Webinar: Britain's eighteenth-century tradition of popular riot and protest
  • Recorded Webinar: Understanding Lenin’s Government, 1917-24

    In this webinar Dr Douds examines the nature of political authority in the nascent Soviet Republic and the institutional structures, practices and ideology of government in the Lenin period. She considers how Communist Party dictatorship and the monolithic party-state emerged in the early years following the October Revolution of 1917...
    Recorded Webinar: Understanding Lenin’s Government, 1917-24
  • The Origins of Mass Society: Speech, Sex and Drink in Urbanising Britain, 1780-1870

      Virtual Branch Lecture Recording
    Professor Peter Mandler is the current president of the Historical Association. As part of our 'presidents season' for the HA Virtual Branch he gave a fascinating talk on The Origins of Mass Society: Speech, Sex and Drink in Urbanising Britain, 1780-1870. In this talk he explores the impact of the changes in...
    The Origins of Mass Society: Speech, Sex and Drink in Urbanising Britain, 1780-1870
  • Recorded Webinar: Resisting Reagan

    Recorded Webinar: Resisting Reagan
  • Virtual Branch Recording: Henry III and Simon de Montfort

    David Carpenter brings to life the dramatic events in the last phase of Henry III’s momentous reign, provides a fresh account of the king’s strenuous efforts to recover power and sheds new light on the rebel figure Simon de Montfort. Professor David Carpenter is a Professor of Medieval History at King's College...
    Virtual Branch Recording: Henry III and Simon de Montfort
  • Recorded webinar: Exploring representations and attitudes to disability across history

    This webinar was presented by Richard Rieser, who is a campaigner and champion for disability rights and the coordinator of UK Disability History Month. His presentation is part of our ongoing work to explore disability history and the arguments and representations of it and ensure that people from disability groups...
    Recorded webinar: Exploring representations and attitudes to disability across history
  • Film: The Partitions of Poland-Lithuania (1772-1795)

      Repercussions for German-Polish Relations and their Legacy.
    Karin Friedrich recently joined the Virtual Branch to discuss aspects of its complex history in her talk on the partitions of Poland, their repercussions for German-Polish relations and their legacy. Professor Friedrich is chair in Early Modern European History at the University of Aberdeen, co-director of the Centre for Early Modern...
    Film: The Partitions of Poland-Lithuania (1772-1795)
  • Recorded webinar: Using 'One Day' to explore the actions that helped to lead to the Holocaust and actions of genocide

      HA Webinar
    This year's Holocaust Memorial Day the theme is 'One Day'. In this webinar with historian Paula Kitching, we will use the one day Wannsee Conference of January 1942 to help explore the actions of the perpetrators, the Holocaust victims and how decision making by people can lead to genocide. This...
    Recorded webinar: Using 'One Day' to explore the actions that helped to lead to the Holocaust and actions of genocide
  • Film: What a strange place to be buried

      Virtual Branch Film
    Anna Cusack joined the HA Virtual Branch to discuss unique burial locations in London c.1600-1800. Anna recently completed a PhD at Birkbeck, University of London on the marginal dead of seventeenth and eighteenth-century London, focusing specifically on suicides, executed criminals, Quakers, and Jews and the treatment of their bodily remains...
    Film: What a strange place to be buried
  • Recorded webinar: Untold Stories of D-Day

    The HA has worked with film-maker,  historian and Legasee ambassador Martyn Cox on a series of webinars looking at untold stories from the Second World War. Many of these stories are taken for the oral histories provided in interviews given to Martyn on film.  In this filmed webinar, Martyn goes...
    Recorded webinar: Untold Stories of D-Day
  • Film: Heligoland: Britain, Germany, and the Struggle for the North Sea

    Professor Jan Rüger joined the Virtual Branch on 9th February 2023 to talk about his book Heligoland: Britain, Germany, and the Struggle for the North Sea, tracing a rich history of contact and conflict from the Napoleonic Wars to the Cold War. For generations this North Sea island expressed a German...
    Film: Heligoland: Britain, Germany, and the Struggle for the North Sea
  • Virtual Branch Recording: The House of Dudley

    The Dudleys thrived at the court of Henry VII, but were sacrificed to the popularity of Henry VIII. Rising to prominence in the reign of Edward VI, the Dudleys lost it all by advancing Jane Grey to the throne over Mary I. That was until the reign of Elizabeth I,...
    Virtual Branch Recording: The House of Dudley
  • John F. Kennedy and the Vietnam War

      An enduring counterfactual
    Would US President John F. Kennedy have avoided the catastrophe that became the Vietnam War if Lee Harvey Oswald had not assassinated him in Dallas on that fateful day of 22 November 1963? This question – or a version of it – has animated discussions of the Vietnam War for...
    John F. Kennedy and the Vietnam War
  • Black Germans: the last forgotten victims of the Nazis?

    In this webinar, Professor Robbie Aitken looks at the experiences of Black residents in Germany during the Nazi period. Why have they been largely written out of larger histories of the Third Reich? Professor Aitken suggests that there was a genocidal intent in Nazi policy towards them, signalled partly by...
    Black Germans: the last forgotten victims of the Nazis?
  • Recorded Webinar: African economic development in historical perspective

    Popular discussions of Africa often focus on the region’s relative poverty, and ask what role historical events like colonialism and the slave trade have played in shaping its development over time. For a long time, the absence of systematic data on African economies before c. 1960 meant these discussions were...
    Recorded Webinar: African economic development in historical perspective
  • Recorded Webinar: Philip IV

      Decline, decadence and the end of the Golden Age
    Decline, decadence, crisis, stagnation, and adversity are terms powerfully associated with the reign of Spain’s Planet King; sombre tones that contrast sharply with the glittering cultural and artistic achievements (enhanced by his patronage) that led the period to be dubbed ‘the’ Golden Age, a label consciously competing with France’s later...
    Recorded Webinar: Philip IV
  • Film: Medlicott Lecture 2023 - Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch

    The Medlicott Medal is awarded annually for outstanding services and contributions to history. This year the Medal went to renowned historian and author Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch who is currently Professor of the Church at Oxford. His 2008 book History of Christianity: the first three thousand years is the leading authority on the history...
    Film: Medlicott Lecture 2023 - Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch
  • Recorded Webinar: Mass-Observing Modern Britain

    Mass-Observation is probably the most consistently useful source for the study of mid and late 20th social lives Britain. It was established in 1937 with the aim of investigating ordinary life and developing an 'anthropology of ourselves.' It used a range of different methods to collect information, from recording overheard...
    Recorded Webinar: Mass-Observing Modern Britain
  • Film: A short history of Islamic thought

    In his book of the same name, A short history of Islamic thought, Dr Fitzroy Morrissey provides a concise introduction to the origins and sources of Islamic thought, from its beginnings in the 7th century to the current moment. In this talk he explores the major ideas and introduces the...
    Film: A short history of Islamic thought
  • Film: Berengaria of Navarre

      History & Myth
    In this talk Dr Gabrielle Storey discusses the life and times of Berengaria of Navarre, queen of England, lord of Le Mans, and wife of Richard I. Berengaria of Navarre has been inaccurately labelled as the only queen never to have stepped foot in England. This talk will present new analysis...
    Film: Berengaria of Navarre
  • Recorded webinar: Maya ruler King Pakal II of Palenque

      ‘A veritable Tutankhamun of the New World’
    The discovery in 1952 of the tomb of King Pakal II of Palenque has been called the most important archaeological find in the history of the Americas. Protected by a magnificently sculpted stone sarcophagus depicting Pakal’s descent to the underworld and re-birth as the maize god lay the body of...
    Recorded webinar: Maya ruler King Pakal II of Palenque
  • Film: Building Anglo-Saxon England

    Building Anglo-Saxon England demonstrates how recent excavations enable us to grasp for the first time the diversity of the Anglo-Saxon built environment. The book explores how the natural landscape was modified for human activity, and how settlements were laid out with geometrical precision by specialist surveyors. It also shows how...
    Film: Building Anglo-Saxon England