Found 65 results matching '2025' within Student   (Clear filter)

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  • Joan Vaux: a remarkable Tudor lady

      Historian article
    Joanna Hickson is a hugely successful novelist, specialising in historical fiction, and she describes herself as feeling that she actually lives in the fifteenth century. For readers of The Historian she explores and explains how she developed her understanding and knowledge of a highly significant Tudor woman who is a central figure in two of...
    Joan Vaux: a remarkable Tudor lady
  • Film: The Ruin of All Witches

      Life and Death in the New World
    Professor Malcom Gaskill joined the HA Virtual Branch on Thursday 10th December 2022 to discuss the subject of his book, The Ruin of all Witches, Life and Death in the New World, which was shortlisted for the Wolfson History Prize in 2022. His research explores the attitudes, beliefs and treatment of people as...
    Film: The Ruin of All Witches
  • History Abridged: London’s women statues

      Historian feature
    History Abridged: This feature seeks to take a person, event or period and abridge, or focus on, an important event or detail that can get lost in the big picture. See all History Abridged articles We live in a seemingly iconoclastic age. Statues that were once part of the established...
    History Abridged: London’s women statues
  • Recorded Webinar: ‘Drawing the Line’: the 1947 Partition of India

    August 2022 marks 75 years since British India was divided at independence into two separate states: India and Pakistan (the latter including today’s Bangladesh). As with the 70th commemoration in 2017, this anniversary will trigger a great deal of collective remembering in Britain just as in South Asia itself. Freedom from...
    Recorded Webinar: ‘Drawing the Line’: the 1947 Partition of India
  • Film: Rethinking the origins of the Cold War

      Churchill's Great Game
    In this HA Virtual Branch talk Professor Richard Toye explores Churchill’s response to the USSR and how his actions during the early Cold War years intersected with his views of traditional Anglo-Russian tensions and the legacy of the ‘Great Game’. Richard Toye is Professor of Modern History at the University...
    Film: Rethinking the origins of the Cold War
  • Tourism: the birth and death of the little Welsh town?

      Historian article
    Millie Punshon is a sixth form student in North Wales and was one of this year's finalists in the HA's Great Debate public speaking competition.  It is no unknown fact that the Victorian city-slickers adored the north coast of Wales, and without them towns such as Llandudno, Beaumaris, and Betws-y-Coed may not have...
    Tourism: the birth and death of the little Welsh town?
  • Film: Ravenna: Capital of Empire, Crucible of Europe

      Virtual Branch Lecture Recording
    Ravenna was the capital of the Western Roman Empire from 402 CE until 751 CE, then later, the capital of the immense kingdom of Theoderic the Goth and finally the centre of Byzantine power in Italy. In this talk Professor Judith Herrin explores the history of the city, its peoples...
    Film: Ravenna: Capital of Empire, Crucible of Europe
  • Film: A Jewish Divorce Case in Medieval England

      Virtual Branch
    In 1242, the prominent thirteenth-century Jewish financier David of Oxford attempted to divorce his wife, Muriel. In the process, he met with a number of obstacles which seriously hampered his efforts and had far-reaching implications for the Jewish community as a whole. In the end, David had to appeal directly...
    Film: A Jewish Divorce Case in Medieval England
  • Flight from Kabul: a historical perspective

      Historian article
    In this article, Matt Jux-Blayney compares the British retreat from Kabul in 1842 with the most recent flight of NATO from Kabul in August 2021. Matt explores the various similarities between the two campaigns and includes personal recollections from his service in Afghanistan with the British Army. On 6 January...
    Flight from Kabul: a historical perspective
  • Virtual Branch recording: Why has Monarchy survived in Europe?

      Virtual Branch
    In the lead-up to the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, Dr Bob Morris joined the HA Virtual Branch in March 2022 to consider why the monarchy has survived in Europe.  Dr R. M. (Bob) Morris is a Senior Honorary Research Associate at the Constitution Unit, University College London. He was formerly a...
    Virtual Branch recording: Why has Monarchy survived in Europe?
  • Webinar recording: Virtual History Forum: Reigning over change

    These three recordings are taken from the Virtual History Forum which took place in March 2022 and focused on change over the last 70 years.  2022 marked the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. This is an unprecedented occasion in our history. The last 70 years have seen both continuities and...
    Webinar recording: Virtual History Forum: Reigning over change
  • Film: “The Talk Should Not Be Broadcast”: Homosexuality and the BBC before 1967

      Virtual Branch
    In the centenary year of the BBC, this Virtual Branch talk from Marcus Collins relates the strange tale of how the BBC did and did not broadcast about homosexuality in the 1950s and 1960s and what it tells us about sexuality, broadcasting and the origins of permissiveness in mid-twentieth century Britain.  Marcus Collins...
    Film: “The Talk Should Not Be Broadcast”: Homosexuality and the BBC before 1967
  • Recorded webinar: Using 'One Day' to explore the actions that helped to lead to the Holocaust and actions of genocide

      HA Webinar
    This year's Holocaust Memorial Day the theme is 'One Day'. In this webinar with historian Paula Kitching, we will use the one day Wannsee Conference of January 1942 to help explore the actions of the perpetrators, the Holocaust victims and how decision making by people can lead to genocide. This...
    Recorded webinar: Using 'One Day' to explore the actions that helped to lead to the Holocaust and actions of genocide
  • Recorded webinar: History, Politics and Journalism

      Teacher and Student Study Session
    History, politics and journalism are intertwined. In this webinar (filmed in December 2021) Professor Anna Whitelock and members of her department from City, University of London explore the inter-related history, politics and journalism of Russia and the Cold War. First, Dina Fainberg explores Soviet relations with the world under Nikita...
    Recorded webinar: History, Politics and Journalism
  • Film: The Quest for the Lost of the First World War

      The Searchers
    Historian Robert Sackville-West joined the HA Virtual Branch in November 2021 to talk about the topic of his book The Searchers: The Quest for the Lost of the First World War. By the end of the First World War, the whereabouts of more than half a million British soldiers were unknown. Most were presumed...
    Film: The Quest for the Lost of the First World War
  • Recorded webinar: Exploring representations and attitudes to disability across history

    This webinar was presented by Richard Rieser, who is a campaigner and champion for disability rights and the coordinator of UK Disability History Month. His presentation is part of our ongoing work to explore disability history and the arguments and representations of it and ensure that people from disability groups...
    Recorded webinar: Exploring representations and attitudes to disability across history
  • Capturing public opinion during the Paris Commune of 1871

      Historian article
    In the year of its 150th anniversary, Jason Jacques Willems offers his thoughts on the importance of centrist opinion to our understanding of the Paris Commune. 2021 is the 150th anniversary of the Paris Commune, when a revolutionary Parisian movement was pitted against the French government. The Franco-Prussian War of 1870...
    Capturing public opinion during the Paris Commune of 1871
  • The British Empire on trial

    In the light of present-day concerns about the place, in a modern world, of statues commemorating figures whose roles in history are of debatable merit, Dr Gregory Gifford puts the British Empire on trial, presenting a balanced case both for and against. In June 2020 when the statue of slave-trader Edward Colston...
    The British Empire on trial
  • Lecture recording: West Africa from the Rise of the Slave Trade to the Age of Revolution

      A Fistful of Shells
    In this Virtual Branch webinar we were joined in conversation with Dr Toby Green on his acclaimed book 'A Fistful of Shells'. Shortlisted for the 2020 Wolfson Prize and winner of the 2019 Nayef Al-Rodhan Prize for Global Cultural Understanding, the book explores West Africa from the Rise of the...
    Lecture recording: West Africa from the Rise of the Slave Trade to the Age of Revolution
  • Recorded webinar: Introduction to Sporting Heritage in the Curriculum

    Excited about the opportunity to creatively incorporate sporting history as new part of your curriculum offer or a thematic enrichment extension to it? Interested in hearing more about how this approach could inspire your students’ potential approach to EPQ? Like to influence and shape how this might be achieved? This...
    Recorded webinar: Introduction to Sporting Heritage in the Curriculum
  • What Have Historians Been Arguing About... the impact of the British Empire on Britain?

      Teaching History feature
    The murder of George Floyd during the summer of 2020 and the ongoing ‘culture war’ in Britain over the legacy of the British Empire have reignited interest in imperial history. This focuses, in particular, on the question of the empire’s impact on Britain itself: on how the act of conquering...
    What Have Historians Been Arguing About... the impact of the British Empire on Britain?
  • Recorded webinar: Applying to Study History at University

      Tips from an Admissions Tutor
    Doing a degree in history is a decision few people regret, but the first steps – choosing a degree, finding the right university and putting together a UCAS application – can be daunting. In this webinar, Rob Priest, admissions tutor for History at Royal Holloway, takes a look at some...
    Recorded webinar: Applying to Study History at University
  • Florence Nightingale and epidemics

      Historian article
    Richard Bates reveals how the expertise of Florence Nightingale is just as relevant now as it was in her own life-time. Late in 2020, the Merriam-Webster dictionary chose ‘pandemic’ as its word of the year, writing that, ‘it’s probably the word by which we’ll refer to this period [i.e. Covid-19...
    Florence Nightingale and epidemics
  • ‘Power to the people’? Disputed presidential elections in US history

      Historian article
    Michael Dunne reveals the complex background to the modern elaborate constitutional process of electing a United States President. On Wednesday, 20 January 2021, Joseph R. Biden, Jr., was inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States of America.  In years to come these simple words may seem prosaic and...
    ‘Power to the people’? Disputed presidential elections in US history
  • History Abridged: The census

      Historian feature
    History Abridged: This feature seeks to take a person, event or period and abridge, or focus on, an important event or detail that can get lost in the big picture. Think Horrible Histories for grownups (without the songs and music). See all History Abridged articles Most of us are aware...
    History Abridged: The census