Found 16 results matching 'brief history' within Primary > Subject leaders > Subject Leader Area   (Clear filter)

  • Leading History in an Independent School

      HA Primary Subject Leader Area
    In this piece Stuart explores some of the key considerations when leading history in an independent school, including the potential benefits and drawbacks of forging links with other schools, how you can use history to enrich the curriculum in the school, improving the level of CPD in your school, and...
    Leading History in an Independent School
  • Progression in primary history

      HA Primary Subject Leader Area
    In this guide Tim Lomas looks at how we can plan for progression in primary history, different measures we can use to check on it, and how we can make it work in practice. It also covers some key ‘dos and don’ts’ and offers some exemplar case studies, including an...
    Progression in primary history
  • Writing a History Policy

      HA Primary Subject Leader Area
    In this piece Bev explains why it’s important for history subject leaders to develop a whole school policy for history, key pieces of information you may want to include, and the need to review the policy on a periodic basis. It also includes two exemplars policies for you to review...
    Writing a History Policy
  • Planning and reviewing primary history

      HA Primary Subject Leader Area
    While many aspects of the teaching of history will be covered in general school policies, e.g. assessment, much will also depend on the subject leader helping colleagues to teach history in a coherent and efficient way. The content of history is infinite and some guidance will be needed on how...
    Planning and reviewing primary history
  • Developing local history in your primary curriculum

      HA Primary Subject Leader Area
    Field trips as a class may be problematic for the immediate future, but this doesn't mean that you can’t still plan for a local history enquiry even during periods of local lockdown. On the contrary, if the enquiry is localised then the children should still be able to access local amenities...
    Developing local history in your primary curriculum
  • Your first year as a history subject leader

      HA Primary Subject Leader Area
    Although the emphasis on good practice changes over time, research over many years has identified some key characteristics of effective subject leadership that enjoy universal consensus. This practical piece from Rob Nixon and Tim Lomas reflects much of this recognised good practice. They offer some general principles you will find...
    Your first year as a history subject leader
  • Primary History Articles for the School History Subject Leader

      Multipage Article
    The Historical Association has been producing its specialist primary journal Primary History since 1992. In that time there have been three editions per year and since 2017 an additional annual digital summer resource. In 1992 a National Curriculum for history had recently emerged as had the Ofsted inspection process. Since...
    Primary History Articles for the School History Subject Leader
  • How the Quality Mark for history can support you as a subject leader

    Whether you have been a history subject lead for a while or are new to the role, the HA’s Quality Mark (QM) for Primary History can help to support you in developing the subject in your school. In this guide experienced Quality Mark assessor and primary educator Sue Temple outlines...
    How the Quality Mark for history can support you as a subject leader
  • Raising the profile of history in your school

      HA Primary Subject Leader Area
    All too often, primary schools allow English and mathematics to steal the limelight, unwittingly pushing other subjects to one side. Now is the time to steal some of the limelight back. Whether you are a new subject leader or you have been leading the subject for years, you have a...
    Raising the profile of history in your school
  • Primary History Summer Resource 2019: Diversity

      Primary History resource
    This free summer resource for primary members is designed to help primary subject leaders and teachers consider the implications of developing a school policy for teaching of diversity in history. This comprehensive guide provides timely advice and considers questions associated with teaching diversity and provides a rationale for its essential role in providing an understanding...
    Primary History Summer Resource 2019: Diversity
  • EYFS: What does good curriculum provision look like?

      HA Primary Subject Leader Area
    In this joint piece, Helen and Rob explore the EYFS Development Matters framework and its relevance to developing children’s understanding of the past. Helen suggests some key resources and approaches which work well in EYFS as well as some key questions to frame discussions with early years staff. Rob shares...
    EYFS: What does good curriculum provision look like?
  • Working with other subject leaders

      HA Primary Subject Leader Area
    History has often been described as an umbrella subject. This is because the nature of history means that we must learn something about the past and this something will encapsulate learning from other subject areas. However, while the history taught in your school can be enriched by other subject areas,...
    Working with other subject leaders
  • Resourcing sources

      HA Primary Subject Leader Area
    As a subject leader, are you often asked to provide historical objects and other documentary sources to support your colleagues with the teaching of history, but don’t know where to start looking? Well – read on! Teachers need to give children experience of handling a range of sources of information....
    Resourcing sources
  • The Bigger Picture: Curriculum Overview

      HA Primary Subject Leader Area
    In this piece Stuart looks at the ‘bigger picture’ of curriculum overview and how, through careful curriculum mapping and the exploration of key trends, topics can be structured to fit together within a wider chronological narrative. He provides practical approaches and examples, as well as discussing historical concepts that occur in...
    The Bigger Picture: Curriculum Overview
  • The Bigger Picture: The Wider World

      HA Primary Subject Leader Area
    Perhaps the most important part of the History National Curriculum is the very first paragraph – the Purpose of Study Statement. A crucial part of this section is the very first sentence: ‘A high-quality history education will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that...
    The Bigger Picture: The Wider World
  • Ofsted: primary guidance 2019

      A guide to what primary schools might expect from the new Education Inspection Framework (EIF) 2019
    As we approach the introduction of the new Ofsted framework, it seems timely that we offer schools, subject leaders and teachers some guidance on how to approach the coming changes.  The call for a broad and balanced curriculum is given renewed emphasis in the new framework, but beyond that, curricula...
    Ofsted: primary guidance 2019