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Young Quills 2011
Young Quills 2011
The Young Quills is a major award for children's historical fiction started by the Historical Association in 2009. The award aims to promote an enjoyment and awareness of history. We are convinced that reading historical fiction is one of the best ways to do this.
To be eligible for the...
HA annual awards for best historical fiction for young people
The Young Quills Awards for Historical Fiction are annual awards that recognize the best in historical fiction for young people.
The way the HA organises the awards is that publishers nominate their new historical fiction books from the previous year, copies of those books are sent to schools, and the reviews of...
The HA's Young Quills Historical Fiction competition is held annually, both to recognise good historical fiction writing and to encourage youngsters to develop a love of history and a feel for the period they are studying. The Young Quills is unique in that it is the readers – young people – who decide the...
The ‘Young Quills' Award for Historical Fiction recognises the powerful role that fiction can have for introducing, informing and exciting young people about historical events, characters and places.
The competition is for books that tell a story with a strong and accurate historical setting. There are two categories divided according...