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  • A view from the classroom: Teachers TV, The Staffordshire Hoard And 'Doing History'

      Primary History article
    When the Historical Association was approached by Teachers' TV to produce ‘Great Ideas for Teaching History' at Key Stage 2, it was inevitable that I, as a full time teacher on the Primary Committee, would have no escape. My school agreed I could take part, with the involvement of two...
    A view from the classroom: Teachers TV, The Staffordshire Hoard And 'Doing History'
  • Teaching history and geography together in a meaningful way

      WHEN 2 + 2 = 5!
    This article explores some of the  ways history and geography can be taught side by side, so that the sum of the parts adds up to more than the original. How can we teach history with geography and vice  versa, to the benefit of both, while fulfilling the aims of...
    Teaching history and geography together in a meaningful way
  • Case Study: Prehistory in the primary curriculum: A stonehenge to remember

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. An article in the Sunday Times newspaper on 7 December reported that Britain is to stop making nominations to UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) for heritage sites to be granted World Heritage...
    Case Study: Prehistory in the primary curriculum: A stonehenge to remember
  • Dealing with the dead: Identity and community - Monuments, memorials and local history

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Death is one of the most sensitive and controversial issues that teachers encounter, linked inextricably as it is to identity. I think it sometimes escapes our attention that, as teachers of history, we constantly deal...
    Dealing with the dead: Identity and community - Monuments, memorials and local history
  • Triumphs Show: A head, a hook and international theft: getting year 9 to debate the intricacies of the impact of empire

      Teaching History feature
    The draft of the revised Key Stage 3 programme of study for history brings a new prominence to the study of the British Empire. Here one department describes their triumph in enabling students to engage with a topic which could seem very distant from their own lives.
    Triumphs Show: A head, a hook and international theft: getting year 9 to debate the intricacies of the impact of empire
  • In My View: Migration - the search for a better life

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the current National Curriculum and some content and links may be outdated. Migration is not new. The movement of people has been part of defining cultures throughout history. Asylum seekers could be seen as the thin (contemporary) end of this historical wedge. But is the...
    In My View: Migration - the search for a better life
  • Your Victorian (And Greek!) Olympic Games

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. The teaching ideas below are adapted from an idea the great John Fines developed for teaching Ancient Greek science. With active teacher support and guidance, it requires the pupils to use what they know, and their...
    Your Victorian (And Greek!) Olympic Games
  • A Project on Working Class Education in the Victorian Period

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the current National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. In the third year at London Metropolitan University, history B.ED students research and prepare a resource about an aspect of life in C19th Britain for use with their chosen age group. Nicky made a book,...
    A Project on Working Class Education in the Victorian Period
  • Teaching The Indus Valley Civilisation in the 21st Century

      Primary History article
    This article discusses how mathematical concepts, literacy requirements and other areas of the curriculum can be harnessed to promote meaningful historical enquiry and understanding. This is especially so for a history topic which lends itself to enquiry based learning, scrutiny of every little clue, and speculation about the very many...
    Teaching The Indus Valley Civilisation in the 21st Century
  • Unpicking the learning potential in creative approaches to studying World War II

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. ‘The biggest issue for school history is its limited place in the curriculum.' (Ofsted, 2007) This central concern of Ofsted's 2007 report, History in the balance, could equally apply to the teaching of drama in primary schools....
    Unpicking the learning potential in creative approaches to studying World War II
  • Teaching Robin Hood at Key Stage 1

      Primary History article
    The stories of Robin Hood, which date from the Middle Ages, are integral to an understanding of British history. Although historians have not been able to identify a single historical figure that can be called Robin Hood, rooted in evidence, the myth or legend of Robin Hood has had a...
    Teaching Robin Hood at Key Stage 1
  • Thinking through history: assessment and learning for the gifted young historian

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Historical enquiry requires reasoning. Even historical imagination depends on being able to evaluate a number of possible responses to an hypothesis and mastery of detail and argument. The high levels of thinking in history of...
    Thinking through history: assessment and learning for the gifted young historian
  • Case study: The body in the bog - Red Christian goes missing

    Please note: this article pre-dates the current National Curriculum and some content and references are outdated. Bog Body mysteries have played a central, seminal role in History Education in Britain since the 1970s. The investigation of the Tollund Man Mystery was the original, introductory investigation for pupils that the Schools Council [aka Schools]...
    Case study: The body in the bog - Red Christian goes missing
  • Teaching Styles and Pupil Learning: The Nuffield Primary History Project's Creative, Interactive Pedagogy - The Pupil' Voice

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. This article is a tribute to the 20th century’s most inspirational history teacher, John Fines. He embodied the principles of ‘doing history’ in his teaching and in the Nuffield Primary History Project that he directed....
    Teaching Styles and Pupil Learning: The Nuffield Primary History Project's Creative, Interactive Pedagogy - The Pupil' Voice
  • Enhancing temporal cognition: practical activities for the primary classroom

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Research during the last eighty years has suggested that ‘time’ concepts, such as chronology, duration and the usage of dating systems are difficult for children to assimilate. However, my recent research would suggest that temporal concepts...
    Enhancing temporal cognition: practical activities for the primary classroom
  • Anglo-Saxon Women

      Primary History Article
    The Anglo-Saxon era is a diverse period that stretches across just over 650 years. Those we call Anglo-Saxons were not homogenous nor were their experiences. In AD 410 the Roman legions leave and the first Anglo-Saxon raiders appear. These pagan warrior bands would come to terrorise Romano-British settlements until, inevitably,...
    Anglo-Saxon Women
  • As a primary school teacher have you taught about the Holocaust?

      Primary History article
    Teaching the Holocaust at primary level can be incredibly rewarding and result in pupils broadening their historical understanding as well as encouraging them to consider other issues. The importance of challenging prejudice, ignorance and racism, the importance of not being a bystander and valuing life are just a few of...
    As a primary school teacher have you taught about the Holocaust?
  • Questions you have always wanted to ask about...Using photographs as sources of evidence

      Primary History article
    Alan Hodkinson answers questions about using photographs as sources of evidence.
    Questions you have always wanted to ask about...Using photographs as sources of evidence
  • Early Islamic civilisation

      Primary History article
    The Primary National Curriculum pinpoints Early Islamic Civilisation as Baghdad c. AD 900 - yet it was so much more. For approximately a thousand years after AD 700 there was an extraordinary amount of activity that radiated out from Baghdad and along a glittering crescent through North Africa and into...
    Early Islamic civilisation
  • A creative Egyptian project

      Primary History article
    Ideally when teaching history, teachers will look to deliver projects that will engage and motivate, hopefully making the hard work of being creative stimulating and rewarding, based upon questioning, enquiry, investigation of sources and reaching conclusions grounded in the evidence.Ancient Egypt is one of those history topics which, because it...
    A creative Egyptian project
  • English Heritage's Heritage Explorer

      Primary History article
    Diogenes - Waving not drowning: English Heritage's Heritage Explorer [THINK BUBBLE, has burst, r.i.p... Diogenes, a curmudgeonly Ancient Greek cynic, has taken its place. The original Grumpy Old Man Diogenes typically looks back to a mythical golden age] Introduction Unfortunately I'm old enough to remember a time when primary school...
    English Heritage's Heritage Explorer
  • 'Hands On' Archaeology, A Case Study: Visiting the Archaeological Resource Centre (ARC) in York

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the current National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Developing an understanding of archaeology during historical studies can be important. It enables children to realise how we come to know and indeed understand about the past. Studying the work of archaeology helps develop vital...
    'Hands On' Archaeology, A Case Study: Visiting the Archaeological Resource Centre (ARC) in York
  • Think like an archaeologist!

      Primary History article
    Since the great brick-built cities of Mohenjodaro and Harappa were first excavated in the early twentieth century, other large and thousands of small sites have been discovered. Clay was the raw material (bricks) for Indus architecture and everyday objects. Pottery was produced in industrial quantities on the foot wheel, an...
    Think like an archaeologist!
  • Back to basics: using maps in primary history

      Primary History article
    Maps tend to be more associated with geography but they have always been vital to history. This article focuses on the way maps have evolved in history, what they provide for the historian and ways in which they can be used when teaching primary history. A chronological account of the...
    Back to basics: using maps in primary history
  • What made Cleopatra so special?

    Ancient Egyptian civilisation is rich and mysterious with distinctive visual imagery and strange animal-headed gods. The exotic differences of the society have always intrigued the western imagination and so they continue to ensure that this is a popular unit with both teachers and children. There are plentiful resources with new...
    What made Cleopatra so special?