'You be Britain and I'll be Germany...' Inter-school e-mailing in Year 9
Teaching History article
E-mailing is fast becoming our preferred means of communication and for good reason. It is immediate: we can fire off a few lines and receive a reply within seconds. It is also flexible: unlike a telephone conversation, we do not have to reply there and then; we can go away...
'You be Britain and I'll be Germany...' Inter-school e-mailing in Year 9
So, what exactly does an AST do?
Teaching History article
Professional development lies at the heart of any thriving, forward-thinking profession. In teaching, however, despite the government’s recent drive to ‘modernise’ the profession, it can still be a bit hit and miss. What are the opportunities for ambitious and successful teachers of history to widen their horizons and engage in...
So, what exactly does an AST do?
Databases, spreadsheets, and historical enquiry at Key Stage 3
Teaching History article
Databases and spreadsheets used to terrify many history teachers and even where some skill was gained, these tools were approached in a spirit of professional worthiness rather than of intellectual excitement. Rob Alfano oozes intellectual excitement and it is pretty obvious that he communicates this to his pupils. His approaches...
Databases, spreadsheets, and historical enquiry at Key Stage 3
Reflecting on rights: teaching pupils about pre-1832 British politics using a realistic role-play
Teaching History article
Ian Luff’s discussion of role-play and his many practical examples (Ian Luff (2000) in Issue 100) drew a huge and positive response from readers. Luff emphasised the simple and the realistic, and, at the same time, showed how to get maximum value from these winning activities through a tight learning...
Reflecting on rights: teaching pupils about pre-1832 British politics using a realistic role-play
Why Gerry now likes evidential work
Teaching History article
Phil Smith resurrects the lovable Gerry who was first introduced to Teaching History readers by Ben Walsh. Gerry now pops up in another history classroom, and, sadly, has had a few terrible teachers since Ben was looking after him. Phil brings Gerry back to the path of righteousness. Through an...
Why Gerry now likes evidential work
Why essay-writing remains central to learning history at AS level
Teaching History article
Richard Harris challenges those who play down the essay in their teaching of the new AS Level. He argues that essay-writing embodies historical thinking and that it is therefore an essential tool for developing students’ understanding of history as an opinion-forming, judgement making process. Students need to practise developed, evidential...
Why essay-writing remains central to learning history at AS level
Teaching pupils how history works
Teaching History article
In the last edition of Teaching History Jayne Prior and Peter John presented an approach to extended writing that relied upon pupils’ earlier work.1 Pupil indignation was key. Furious at the blandness of some text presented to them, they used their own knowledge of colour, detail and drama to challenge...
Teaching pupils how history works
Making history curious: Using Initial Stimulus Material (ISM) to promote enquiry, thinking and literacy
Teaching History article
The idea of gaining pupils’ attention, interest and curiosity at the start of the lesson with an intriguing image, story, analogy or puzzle has long been used by our best history teachers. Michael Riley, through writing and inset, popularised the term ‘hook’ and emphasised its special role at the start...
Making history curious: Using Initial Stimulus Material (ISM) to promote enquiry, thinking and literacy
A poodle with bite: Using ICT to make AS level more rigorous
Teaching History article
Diana Laffin describes two substantial ICT activities designed to strengthen both motivation and rigour in Year 12. In her first activity, she uses the power of ICT to develop a critical sense of audience. She shows how this can have a direct impact on improving performance in relation to examination...
A poodle with bite: Using ICT to make AS level more rigorous
Myths and Monty Python: using the witch-hunts to introduce students to significance
In this article Kerry Apps introduces students to the significance of the witch-hunts in the modern era, at the time when they occurred, and in the middle of the eighteenth century. She presents her rationale for choosing the witch-hunts as a focus for the study of significance, and shows how her thinking about her teaching has evolved through her evaluation of her students’...
Myths and Monty Python: using the witch-hunts to introduce students to significance
Move Me On 117: Putting her ideas into practice
Teaching History feature
This Issue's Problem: Mary is having problems putting her IDEAS into PRACTICE
Move Me On 117: Putting her ideas into practice