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  • Narrative: the under-rated skill

      Teaching History article
    ‘Mere narrative’, ‘lapses into narrative’, ‘a narrative answer that fails to answer the question set’. These phrases flow in the blood of history teachers, from public examination criteria to regular classroom discourse. Whilst most of us use narrative in our teaching methods, we have demonised narrative in pupils’ written answers....
    Narrative: the under-rated skill
  • Triumphs Show 169: Using 360 VR Technology with the GCSE Historic Environment study

      Teaching History feature: celebrating and sharing success
    One of the biggest changes in the new GCSE specifications is the requirement for all students to undertake a study of the historic environment. Unsurprisingly the approach taken by the exam boards to this requirement varies widely. While some boards allow schools a free choice of site, others have decided...
    Triumphs Show 169: Using 360 VR Technology with the GCSE Historic Environment study
  • Less time, more thought: coping with the challenges of two-year Key Stage 3

      Teaching History article
    Nathan Cole and Denise Thompson have really thought about Key Stage 3. They have been forced to; they now teach it in only two years. The switch to a two-year Key Stage 3 has made them re-evaluate their entire programme of study, and their rationale for teaching history. The result...
    Less time, more thought: coping with the challenges of two-year Key Stage 3
  • Polychronicon 126: Stonehenge

      Teaching History feature
    Secondary history ought to pay more attention to stones: 1. they are accessible, logistically and educationally, and highly instructive. The Neolithic is everywhere, and generally speaking, free2. venture outside the classroom, into real space or cyberspace, and you stumble into it eventually.3. Archaeological interpretation is an accessible way into aspects...
    Polychronicon 126: Stonehenge
  • Cunning Plan 94: Study Unit 2: Crowns, Parliaments and Peoples, 1500-1750

    Flesh and blood people bring history to life. Capture the interest of our Year 8 pupils by making sure they engage with human dilemmas and dangers. A focus on individual people as the starting point for enquiries helps pupils to tackle the ‘big' stories (overviews) and difficult concepts.
    Cunning Plan 94: Study Unit 2: Crowns, Parliaments and Peoples, 1500-1750
  • Triumphs Show 121: 60th Anniversary commemoration of the end of WWII

      Teaching History feature
    It’s early July 2004, and the history department of Harrogate Grammar School are chatting in the staff room enjoying a bit of spare time now that exam classes have disappeared. The subject of what the department will do next year when it comes to trips, speakers and special days comes...
    Triumphs Show 121: 60th Anniversary commemoration of the end of WWII
  • Move Me On 125: Lack of conceptual clarity

      Teaching History feature
    This Issue's Problem: Steve Cloye is over half way through his first main teaching placement and has been struggling with the PGCE. His degree was in American Studies, and although this included American history he lacks confidence in his subject knowledge, and particularly in his understanding of the nature of the...
    Move Me On 125: Lack of conceptual clarity
  • Ants and the Tet Offensive: teaching Year 11 to tell the difference

    The history department at Morpeth School in East London has improved performance at GCSE. The department has also done something unusual: it has abandoned coursework. This might seem a surprising decision but the rationale is interesting and clear. Arguably, the fundamental examination skills are identical to those needed for coursework...
    Ants and the Tet Offensive: teaching Year 11 to tell the difference
  • 'Really weird and freaky': using a Thomas Hardy short story as a source of evidence in the Year 8 classroom

      Teaching History article
    Can 25 so-called ‘low ability’ girls access 30 pages of difficult text? Yes, much more easily they can access the tiny, sanitised, made-easy ‘gobbets’ that they are normally exposed to in the name of ‘access’. Mary Woolley makes the point that boring texts are those that tell you only essential...
    'Really weird and freaky': using a Thomas Hardy short story as a source of evidence in the Year 8 classroom
  • ‘You hear about it for real in school.’ Avoiding, containing and risk-taking in the classroom

      Teaching History article
    In this article, Alison Kitson and Alan McCully discuss the findings of their research into history teaching in the most divided part of the United Kingdom: Northern Ireland. Drawing on interviews with students and teachers, they consider what history teaching might contribute to an understanding of the current situation and...
    ‘You hear about it for real in school.’ Avoiding, containing and risk-taking in the classroom
  • From ‘double vision’ to panorama: exploring interpretations of Nazi popularity

      Teaching History article
    Jim Carroll relished the opportunity, in the new A-level specification he was teaching, to find an effective way of teaching his students to analyse interpretations in their coursework essays. Reflecting on the difficulties he had faced as a trainee teacher teaching younger pupils about interpretations, and dissatisfied with examination board...
    From ‘double vision’ to panorama: exploring interpretations of Nazi popularity
  • Tracing the popular memory of Rosa Parks with Year 9

      Teaching History article
    Inspired by Jeanne Theoharis’s biography of Rosa Parks, Ed Durbin initially planned to challenge the ‘fable’ that had been constructed around her life. He soon realised, however, that he wanted to take the opportunity to get ‘behind’ the fable and help his students understand how and why it had been constructed. Drawing...
    Tracing the popular memory of Rosa Parks with Year 9
  • ‘What do they mean by that?’ Helping students to analyse academic writing from Key Stage 3 onwards

      Teaching History article
    Following her PGCE year, Alex Blelloch became concerned about the ways in which some of the students she observed struggled to engage with the complexities of texts written by historians. More broadly, she was also concerned about the limited opportunities younger students had to engage with historians’ works. In this...
    ‘What do they mean by that?’ Helping students to analyse academic writing from Key Stage 3 onwards
  • Cunning Plan 167: teaching the industrial revolution

      Teaching History article
    ‘Disastrous and terrible.’ For Arnold Toynbee, the historian who gave us the phrase ‘industrial revolution’, these three words sum up the period of dramatic technological change that took place in Britain across the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. We may not habitually use Toynbee’s description in the classroom, but it is...
    Cunning Plan 167: teaching the industrial revolution
  • Databases, spreadsheets, and historical enquiry at Key Stage 3

      Teaching History article
    Databases and spreadsheets used to terrify many history teachers and even where some skill was gained, these tools were approached in a spirit of professional worthiness rather than of intellectual excitement. Rob Alfano oozes intellectual excitement and it is pretty obvious that he communicates this to his pupils. His approaches...
    Databases, spreadsheets, and historical enquiry at Key Stage 3
  • Move Me On 106: Teaching AS level

      Teaching History feature
    This Issues Problem: Matilda Angevin, PGCE history student, is finding it hard to get to grips with teaching AS Level.
    Move Me On 106: Teaching AS level
  • Move Me On 109: Pressured into using teaching styles she is uncomfortable with

      Teaching History feature
    This Issue's Problem: Marie, PGCE history trainee, feels that she is being pressured into using teaching styles with which she feels uncomfortable. 
    Move Me On 109: Pressured into using teaching styles she is uncomfortable with
  • Using eighteenth-century material culture to develop evidential thinking in Year 8

      Teaching History article
    It seems that teapots really can talk. Eleanor Dimond took her undergraduate experience of studying material culture into the classroom, with startling results. Historians of material culture have developed distinctive evidential methods which, in stark contrast to typical GCSE and A-Level approaches, see a strong interplay between analysis of the physical attributes...
    Using eighteenth-century material culture to develop evidential thinking in Year 8
  • History's future: facing the challenge

      Teaching History article
    Trevor Fisher argues that pressures on our subject are now so intense and multi-faceted that a wider coalition is necessary if history is to fight back. Our difficulties are compounded, he suggests, by a lack of consensus and by acute lack of knowledge about school history among those who produce...
    History's future: facing the challenge
  • Cunning Plan 102.1: teaching decolonisation and the end of apartheid

    Cunning Plan for teaching decolonisation and the end of apartheid to 13 and 14 year-olds. The rationale behind this teaching unit is manifold: first, it takes away the idea in the children’s minds that all that happened in the twentieth century is world war. Second, it is designed to appeal...
    Cunning Plan 102.1: teaching decolonisation and the end of apartheid
  • A complex empire: National Archives Learning Curve takes on the British Empire

      Teaching History article
    Ben Walsh describes some of the rationale behind the construction of the new Learning Curve exhibition on the British Empire and, in so doing, makes a strong case for placing empire generally and the British Empire in particular at the heart of historical study for all teenagers. A complex and...
    A complex empire: National Archives Learning Curve takes on the British Empire
  • Move Me On 104: Establishing lesson goals

      Teaching History feature
    This Issue's Problem: Bill norman, PGCE History student, is struggling with lesson goals.
    Move Me On 104: Establishing lesson goals
  • Getting ready for the Grand Prix: Learning how to build a substantial argument in year 7

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated Dale Banham’s Grand Prix race has helped many history teachers in Suffolk to think freshly about metaphors and images that will inspire and enable pupils (especially underachieving boys) to write analytically and at length. In...
    Getting ready for the Grand Prix: Learning how to build a substantial argument in year 7
  • New opportunities for history: implementing the citizenship curriculum in England's secondary schools - a QCA perspective

      Teaching History article
    In September 2002 Citizenship becomes a completely new subject in England’s secondary schools. Jerome Freeman, Principal Officer for History with the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) — the authority responsible for advising the British government on curriculum content and qualification standards in England - outlines QCA’s view on the connections...
    New opportunities for history: implementing the citizenship curriculum in England's secondary schools - a QCA perspective
  • And Joe arrives...: stretching the very able pupil in the mixed ability classroom

    Kate Hammond examines a sequence of three history lessons in order to evaluate techniques for stretching a very able 11 year-old. She adopts a complex blend of differentiation strategies. Rather than merely bolting on ‘extension activities', she starts with demanding objectives for all, as the whole-class entitlement. She then attempts...
    And Joe arrives...: stretching the very able pupil in the mixed ability classroom