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  • Move Me On 163: Ahistorical thinking

      Teaching History feature
    Jane Whorwood’s concern to encourage students to think for themselves is leading to some very ahistorical thinking. Jane Whorwood has proved to be a generally confident and positive trainee, largely due to two years’ experience as a cover supervisor before committing to a formal training programme. She has made a...
    Move Me On 163: Ahistorical thinking
  • Polychronicon 172: Health in the Middle Ages

      Teaching History feature
    The history of medicine, health, and illness between c. 500 AD and 1500 has received a great deal of scholarly attention in recent decades. It’s a fascinating field that can tell us a great deal about medieval people’s everyday lives and their day-to-day worries: after all, everyone is ill or...
    Polychronicon 172: Health in the Middle Ages
  • Using ancient texts to improve pupils' critical thinking

      Teaching History article
    Did Alexander really ask, ‘Do I appear to you to be a bastard?' Using ancient texts to improve pupils' critical thinking Beth Baker and Steven Mastin make the case for teaching ancient history in the post-14 curriculum. Pointing out the damaging messages that could be conveyed by assuming that ancient...
    Using ancient texts to improve pupils' critical thinking
  • Who wants to fight? Who wants to flee? Teaching history from a 'thinking skills' perspective

      Teaching History article
    Whatever shape the National Curriculum of the 21st century takes, history will have to show its relevance to major curricular areas and themes such as literacy, citizenship education and thinking skills. This ought to be easy: the critical, informed decision-making required by the modern citizen is practised in virtually every...
    Who wants to fight? Who wants to flee? Teaching history from a 'thinking skills' perspective
  • New, Novice or Nervous? 151: Getting beyond bad ‘source work'

      Teaching History feature
    This page is for those new to the published writings of history teachers. Every problem you wrestle with, other teachers have wrestled with too. Quick fixes don't exist. But if you discover others' writing, you'll soon find - and want to join - something better: an international conversation in which...
    New, Novice or Nervous? 151: Getting beyond bad ‘source work'
  • Seeing beyond the frame

      Teaching History article
    History teachers frequently show pupils visual images and often expect pupils to interrogate such images as evidence. But confusions arise and opportunities are missed when pupils do this without guidance on how to ‘read’ the image systematically and how to place it in context. Barbara Ormond gives a detailed account...
    Seeing beyond the frame
  • Polychronicon 148: The Wars of the Roses

      Teaching History feature
    There are few periods in our history from which we turn with such weariness and disgust as from the Wars of the Roses. Their savage battles, their ruthless executions, their shameless treasons seem all the more terrible from the pure selfishness of the ends for which men fought, the utter...
    Polychronicon 148: The Wars of the Roses
  • Triumphs Show 171: preparatory reading for A-level essays

      Teaching History feature: celebrating and sharing success
    The first question my A-level students always used to ask when receiving back an essay was, ‘What mark did I get?’ The second question I used to hope they would ask was ‘How could I improve my work?’ I stress ‘used to’ because increasingly I do not give marks when...
    Triumphs Show 171: preparatory reading for A-level essays
  • Polychronicon 138: The Civil Rights Movement

      Teaching History feature
    "He was The One, The Hero, The One Fearless Person for whom we had waited. I hadn't even realized before that we had been waiting for Martin Luther King, Jr, but we had." So spoke the novelist Alice Walker in 1972, looking back on her teenage years. And so wrote...
    Polychronicon 138: The Civil Rights Movement
  • From horror to history: teaching pupils to reflect on significance

      Teaching History article
    In this detailed account of the first stages of a lesson sequence for Year 9 (13-14 year-olds), Kate Hammond sets out the tensions that must be examined and resolved when planning and teaching this most demanding of topics. How can young teenagers be helped to develop a mature response to...
    From horror to history: teaching pupils to reflect on significance
  • Move Me On 159: Writing Frames

      Teaching History feature
    This issue's problem: Hannah Mitchell would like to wean pupils off the use of writing frames. Hannah Mitchell has embarked on her PGCE training after a year spent working as a Teaching Assistant. Her varied experiences in that role - sometimes working one-to-one with young people, within a targeted intervention programme,...
    Move Me On 159: Writing Frames
  • Assessment without Level Descriptions

      Teaching History article
    Two heads of department in contrasting schools explain why they do not use Level Descriptions at all, other than at the very end of Key Stage 3. Influenced by ‘assessment for learning' principles, Sally Burnham and Geraint Brown develop a case for using assessment to help pupils grow in understanding...
    Assessment without Level Descriptions
  • Dr Black Box or How I learned to stop worrying and love assessment

      Teaching History article
    Drawing upon experimental work in different history departments, Mark Cottingham explores ‘assessment for learning' principles in practice. He raises the problem of a clash between these approaches and the progression model inherent in the National Curriculum Attainment Target, and, crucially, the way in which history departments are expected to use...
    Dr Black Box or How I learned to stop worrying and love assessment
  • Mughal moments made memorable by Movie Maker

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Rosalind Stirzaker has introduced some fascinating topics at Key Stage 3. Her pupils, living in Dubai, have the opportunity to study the Islamic Empire, the Mughal Empire and Mespotamia as well as many of the...
    Mughal moments made memorable by Movie Maker
  • Triumphs Show 130: Righting the Revolution

      Teaching History feature
    It was period 5 on a wet Wednesday afternoon deep into the winter term. Year 9 were even more difficult than usual. Being cooped up inside at lunch, without supervision, had not helped the situation. What was I going to do with this untamed bunch? Put on a trusted video?...
    Triumphs Show 130: Righting the Revolution
  • Waking up to complexity

      Teaching History article
    Waking up to complexity: using Christopher Clark's The Sleepwalkers to challenge over-determined causal explanations Teaching student to construct causal argument is a staple of history teaching and, in this year, questions about the causes of the First World War are particularly pertinent and once again the public eye. Claire Holliss,...
    Waking up to complexity
  • Reading? What reading?

      Journal article
    Discussions with sixth-form students about reading led Carolyn Massey and Paul Wiggin to start a sixth-formreading group. They describe here the series of themed sessions that they planned, and the student discussion and reflections that resulted. Listening to their students discuss their reading led Massey and  Wiggin to reflect on what is meant by ‘reading around’ the subject, and its role in students’ intellectual...
    Reading? What reading?
  • Triumphs Show 137: Assessing through reflection

      Teaching History feature
    Assessing through reflection: How one history department has found a way to satisfy the Senior Leadership Team, parents and pupils through tightly focused self-assessment Teachers are caught between a rock and hard place when it comes to assessment. Senior leaders want to see evidence of regular ‘levelling' while (most) pupils...
    Triumphs Show 137: Assessing through reflection
  • 'I've been in the Reichstag': Rethinking roleplay

      Teaching History article
    Ian Luff constructs a rationale for the use of drama, practical demonstration and roleplay in pupils' learning. He follows this with a wealth of practical examples and detailed advice based on his own professional experience and his experience in running training sessions for other teachers. His analysis of the value...
    'I've been in the Reichstag': Rethinking roleplay
  • Subject exemplification of the Initial Teacher Training National Curriculum for ICT: how the history examples were developed

    David Linsell describes how the Teacher Training Agency's history working group provided history-specific examples for the new ICT initial teacher training National Curriculum. He stresses the group's ‘history first' thinking. The aim was to provide realistic examples of ICT use, through which trainee teachers might develop and ultimately demonstrate their...
    Subject exemplification of the Initial Teacher Training National Curriculum for ICT: how the history examples were developed
  • Learning without limits

      Teaching History article
    Richard Kerridge writes here about his efforts to help students to overcome an experience that was once his own: of being labelled low-ability, with all the attendant lowering of expectations that this entails. He recognises the merits of rigorously ensuring that all students should be able to access their entitlement...
    Learning without limits
  • Looking through the keyhole at Birkenhead from 1900 to 1950 with Year 7

      Journal article
    Matt Jones wanted to harness the power of local history to help his students understand the profound social changes experienced across Britain in the first half of the twentieth century. While he hoped that the personal stories of six families in Birkenhead would help to humanise abstract concepts such as...
    Looking through the keyhole at Birkenhead from 1900 to 1950 with Year 7
  • Practical classroom approaches to the iconography of Irish history or: how far back do we really have to go?

      Teaching History article
    Ben Walsh presents a structured practical activity for teaching pupils about Northern Ireland through the use of murals. The activity can be carried out in Year 9 as part of a study on the twentieth-century world, or as part of a GCSE course. He stresses the importance of an informed...
    Practical classroom approaches to the iconography of Irish history or: how far back do we really have to go?
  • Move Me On 166: getting the right pitch for GCSE teaching

      Teaching History feature
    This feature is designed to build critical, informed debate about the character of teacher training, teacher education and professional development. This issue’s problem: Bob Williams is struggling to get the pitch right in teaching topics at GCSE that the school previously taught to Year 7. Bob Williams, now half way through his training year, is feeling very out...
    Move Me On 166: getting the right pitch for GCSE teaching
  • Exploring big overviews through local depth

      Teaching History article
    Exploring big overviews through local depth Rachel Foster and Kath Goudie's search for a more rigorous and interesting way of teaching Year 7 the Norman Conquest was initially driven by a desire to incorporate local history in a more meaningful way in their Key Stage 3 schemes of work. This...
    Exploring big overviews through local depth