Found 6 results matching 'brief history' within Secondary > Curriculum > Key Stage 3 > Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning   (Clear filter)

  • Global Learning & Critical Thinking

    Critical thinking GLP-E aims: Young people will also develop the skills to interpret that knowledge in order to make judgements about global poverty. In this way they will be able to: think critically about global issues. The GLP has a strong focus on developing young people's knowledge and understanding of...
    Global Learning & Critical Thinking
  • Global learning and development education

    Global learning and development education in the secondary school Development education is an approach to learning about global and development issues through recognising the importance of linking people's lives throughout the world. It encourages critical examination of global issues and awareness of the impact that individuals can have on these. ...
    Global learning and development education
  • Global Learning November 2016

      Global Learning Project
    Although this project has now ended, the links and resources on this page remain useful.  1. Climate Change and Global Learning - New Key Stage 2 Activity Kit With the 2015 Paris Agreement, and the recent climate conference in Marrakech, climate action is high on the international agenda. This activity...
    Global Learning November 2016
  • Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning

      Multipage Article
    Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning was an international programme supporting teaching and learning about global issues, running from 2018 to 2020. It was funded by UK Government with the British Council, in partnership with the Geographical Association. Historical Association and several other Subject Associations are involved too. Connecting Classrooms buillt on...
    Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning
  • Teaching about the climate emergency

      Resources for teaching about climate change
    The climate emergency is being talked about across the media. But how do we as educators talk with learners, and sort the truth from misinformation? Here are some of Global Dimension's top picks of sites with high quality resources for tackling this most topical subject in your classroom: Campaign Against Climate...
    Teaching about the climate emergency
  • Global Learning Programme

      Global Learning Programme
    The Global Learning Programme (GLP) is a ground-breaking new programme which will create a national network of like-minded schools, committed to equipping their students to make a positive contribution to a globalised world by helping their teachers to deliver effective teaching and learning about development and global issues at Key Stages 2...
    Global Learning Programme