Found 45 results matching 'brief history' within Secondary > Curriculum > Content > Themes > Culture   (Clear filter)

  • Historical anniversaries calendar

    Historical anniversaries can be a great way to get children and young people interested in a subject or to raise awareness about a particular issue. This resource is free to everyone. For access to hundreds of other high-quality history and education resources along with free or discounted CPD and membership of a thriving community of...
    Historical anniversaries calendar
  • Imagining cities: exploring historical sites as contested spaces

      Teaching History article
    Geraint Brown and Matt Stanford share the daunting challenge and intriguing opportunities that are presented by leading a school history trip to a site as complex as Berlin. That the city is a palimpsest, layered with stories and tissued with conflicting identities, experiences and meanings, makes planning a trip extremely...
    Imagining cities: exploring historical sites as contested spaces
  • In pursuit of shared histories: uncovering Islamic history in the secondary classroom

      Teaching History article
    In 2005, in a Teaching History article entitled, ‘A need to know’, Nicolas Kinloch built an argument for teaching the history of Islamic civilisations to all pupils. Afia Chaudhry returns to this theme, reflecting deeply on the needs of her own students – Muslim and non-Muslim alike – within a...
    In pursuit of shared histories: uncovering Islamic history in the secondary classroom
  • Triumphs Show: Recovering the queer history of Weimar Germany in GCSE history

      Teaching History feature
    Berlin staged its first Christopher Street Day celebration in 1979. This queer pride event commemorated the Stonewall riots that took place a decade earlier in New York City, and it has continued to be a popular annual event in Germany. Its celebration of a landmark moment in American history, however,...
    Triumphs Show: Recovering the queer history of Weimar Germany in GCSE history
  • How introducing cultural and intellectual history improves critical analysis in the classroom

      Teaching History article
    In his article in this journal just over a year ago, Steven Driver set out his vision for a less myopic range of topics in A-level coursework. In this edition, Driver demonstrates how he has built student enthusiasm for, and knowledge of, a topic which he had previously identified as...
    How introducing cultural and intellectual history improves critical analysis in the classroom
  • History Teaching in Belarus: Between Europe and Russia

      IJHLTR Article
    International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research [IJHLTR], Volume 15, Number 1 – Autumn/Winter 2017 ISSN: 14472-9474 Abstract This paper is devoted to social uses of history teaching and history textbooks. It analyses, first, how the history of the lands of Belarus, at the crossroads between Europe and Eurasia, was...
    History Teaching in Belarus: Between Europe and Russia
  • Developing KS3 students’ ability to challenge their history curriculum through an early introduction of significance

      Teaching History article
    Offered five weeks to teach ‘whatever he wanted’ to Year 7, Andrew Slater decided that he wished to tackle the concept of significance head-on early in his students’ time in his school. He chose the expectedly unfamiliar substantive content of the Khmer Empire, challenging his students to justify the significance of...
    Developing KS3 students’ ability to challenge their history curriculum through an early introduction of significance
  • Historical scholarship, archaeology and evidence in Year 7

      Teaching History article
    The stimulus for this article came from two developmental tasks that Barbara Trapani was set during the course of her initial teacher education programme: planning her first historical enquiry and bringing the work of an historian into the classroom. Trapani chose to tackle the two tasks together, using Susan Whitfield’s...
    Historical scholarship, archaeology and evidence in Year 7
  • Unnatural and essential: the nature of historical thinking

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Sam Wineburg's work, in particular his groundbreaking Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts (2001), has a great deal to teach us about the discipline of history, the nature of historical education, and the specific cognitive framework...
    Unnatural and essential: the nature of historical thinking
  • Polychronicon 134: The Great War and Cultural History

      Teaching History feature
    Over the past two decades the historiography of the Great War has witnessed something of a revolution. Although historical revisionism is, of course, nothing out of the ordinary, the speed with which long-held assumptions about the First World War and its impact have been swept away has been quite astonishing....
    Polychronicon 134: The Great War and Cultural History
  • How history learners can ‘dig school’ under lockdown

      Teaching History article
    In March 2020, when Covid-19’s lockdown restrictions saw schools closed to the majority of children, Carenza Lewis quickly began thinking of ways to help both teachers and parents. Drawing on extensive experience of enabling children and young people to learn from practical engagement in archaeology, she came up with a...
    How history learners can ‘dig school’ under lockdown
  • Film: “The Talk Should Not Be Broadcast”: Homosexuality and the BBC before 1967

      Virtual Branch
    In the centenary year of the BBC, this Virtual Branch talk from Marcus Collins relates the strange tale of how the BBC did and did not broadcast about homosexuality in the 1950s and 1960s and what it tells us about sexuality, broadcasting and the origins of permissiveness in mid-twentieth century Britain.  Marcus Collins...
    Film: “The Talk Should Not Be Broadcast”: Homosexuality and the BBC before 1967
  • Broadening and deepening narratives of Benin for Year 8

      Teaching History article
    Josh Garry describes his effort to refresh his approach to teaching the British transatlantic slave trade. Drawing on reading, lectures and discussions during an Historical Association Teacher Fellowship programme, Garry built a sequence of lessons designed to contextualise the trade while showing African agency and complexity. The result was a sequence...
    Broadening and deepening narratives of Benin for Year 8
  • Year 7 challenge stereotypes about the Mexica

      Teaching History article
    After discussing a new book about the Mexica (Aztecs) during a routine meeting with a trainee teacher, Niamh Jennings decided to construct a sequence of lessons around the history of the Mexica Empire. Struck by the vivid storytelling of historian Camilla Townsend in her book Fifth Sun, and fascinated by...
    Year 7 challenge stereotypes about the Mexica
  • Cunning Plan 192: A suggested itinerary for visiting Berlin

      Teaching History feature
    The principles and approaches outlined in our article on Pages 59 to 64 of this edition can be applied to any site, although not necessarily all on the same trip! If you are visiting Berlin, and you want to examine it as a contested space, in what order might you...
    Cunning Plan 192: A suggested itinerary for visiting Berlin
  • Henry V in the cinema

      Historian article
    Public attitudes to Henry V are very much influenced by WilliamShakespeare's interpretation. Richard Inverne discusses howShakespeare's version has been translated into cinematic form byLaurence Olivier and Kenneth Branagh. Shakespeare indulges himself considerably with his own relatively recent history - Richards II and III, Henrys IV, V and VI, for example....
    Henry V in the cinema
  • Polychronicon 136: Interpreting the Beatles

      Teaching History feature
    ‘The Beatles were history-makers from the start,' proclaimed the liner notes for the band's first LP in March 1963. It was a bold claim to make on behalf of a beat combo with one charttopping single, but the Beatles' subsequent impact on 1960s culture put their historical importance (if not...
    Polychronicon 136: Interpreting the Beatles
  • Lengthening Year 9’s narrative of the American civil rights movement

      Teaching History article
    Inspired by reading the work of Stephen Tuck, Ellie Osborne set out to design a new sequence of lessons that would help her students adopt a longer lens on the American civil rights movement. At the same time, Osborne wanted to put more emphasis on the agency and campaigns of activists,...
    Lengthening Year 9’s narrative of the American civil rights movement
  • Year 7 use oral traditions to make claims about the rise and fall of the Inka empire

      Teaching History article
    As part of her department’s effort to diversify the history curriculum, Paula Worth began a quest to research and then shape a lesson sequence around the Inkas. Her article shows how she allowed the new topic and its historiography to challenge and extend her own use of sources, particularly oral tradition....
    Year 7 use oral traditions to make claims about the rise and fall of the Inka empire
  • School History Scene: the unique contribution of theatre to history teaching

      Teaching History article
    The study of history has to be vibrant. It is about real people, real dramas, real narrative, real human dilemmas. It is not surprising that, despite manifold structural pressures working against us, take-up for GCSE history is once again buoyant. There are all manner of reasons for this - is...
    School History Scene: the unique contribution of theatre to history teaching
  • Planning a more diverse and coherent Year 7 curriculum

      Teaching History article
    In this article, Jacob Olivey describes his department’s efforts to both diversify their Key Stage 3 curriculum and secure greater curricular coherence. Building on a large body of research and practice, Olivey sought new forms of curricular coherence through the selection and sequencing of substantive content across the curriculum. He...
    Planning a more diverse and coherent Year 7 curriculum
  • Triumphs Show 176: Using material culture as a means to generate an enquiry on the British Empire

      Teaching History feature
    Triumphs Show is a regular feature which offers a quick way for teachers to celebrate their successes and share inspirational ideas with one another. While the ideas are always explained in sufficient depth for others to be able to take them forward in their own practice, the simple format allows...
    Triumphs Show 176: Using material culture as a means to generate an enquiry on the British Empire
  • Polychronicon 160: Interpreting 'The Birth of a Nation'

      Teaching History feature
    Controversial from the first year of its release in 1915, 'The Birth of a Nation' has been hailed as both the greatest film ever made and the most racist. On 8 February 1915, it premiered in Los Angeles as 'The Clansman', the name of the novel and play upon which...
    Polychronicon 160: Interpreting 'The Birth of a Nation'
  • What Have Historians Been Arguing About... youth culture?

      Teaching History feature
    For such a boldly iconoclastic work, the Key Stage 3 textbook A New Focus on ... British Social History, c.1920–2000 (2023) provides a disarmingly conventional account of youth in the 1960s as ‘mostly better educated and informed than their parents had been at their age [and able] … to find...
    What Have Historians Been Arguing About... youth culture?
  • Polychronicon 173: From American Indians to Native Americans

      Teaching History journal feature
    Few sub-fields of American history have undergone as many changes over time as the study of Native Americans/American Indians. While nineteenth- and early twentieth-century historians portrayed Native Americans as savage barbarians or ignored them entirely, late twentieth-century historians portrayed them as victims of circumstance and aggressive European conquest. Today, modern...
    Polychronicon 173: From American Indians to Native Americans