Found 66 results matching 'french revolution' within Secondary > Curriculum > Content > Themes > Power   (Clear filter)

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  • Interpretations of the French Revolution

      Classic Pamphlet
    The French Revolution raises many questions not least: What sort of Revolution was it - one of "poverty" or "prosperity" ? a bourgeois revolution that overthrew feudalism?  A national struggle for liberty, democracy, or "eternal Justice" ? or, again, a criminal conspiracy against the old social order? What did it...
    Interpretations of the French Revolution
  • Podcast: Re-imagining Democracy

    This podcast feature Professor Mark Philp of the University of Warwick discussing how people's perceptions of democracy changed between 1750 and 1850 and is based on the findings of the Re-imagining democracy project, begun in 2005 by Joanna Innes and Mark Philp. Re-imagining Democracy: 1750-1850 1. Introduction. Democracy from negative...
    Podcast: Re-imagining Democracy
  • Louis XIV

      Classic Pamphlet
    Louis XIV was born on 5 September 1638 and became King on May 14 1643 at the age of four years and eight months on the death of his father Louis XIII. He attended the Conseil d'en haut from 1649 when he was eleven years old. He announced his coming...
    Louis XIV
  • Women, War and Revolution

      Classic Pamphlet
    On the surface, the period 1914 to 1945 seems to have encompassed massive changes in the position of women in Europe, in response to the demands of war and revolution. Yet historians have questioned the extent of the transformation, since the acquisition of the vote, as well as improvements in...
    Women, War and Revolution
  • The Tudor Court

      Classic Pamphlet
    In 1976, in one of his challenging Presidential addresses to the Royal Historical Society, Professor Geoffrey Elton drew attention to the importance of the court as a ‘point of contact' between the Tudors and their subjects. It was, he suggested, a central and essential aspect of personal government, but in...
    The Tudor Court
  • Between the Revolutions: Russia 1905 to 1917

      Classic Pamphlet
    "The key question is this - is the peaceful renovation of the country possible? Or is it possible only by internal revolution?"This quotation succintly expresses the problem that faced both contemporaries and subsequant generations of historians confronting the development of Russia between the revolutions of 1905 and 1917. The upheavals...
    Between the Revolutions: Russia 1905 to 1917
  • Cavour and Italian Unification

      Classic Pamphlet
    It may seem a little perverse to write a pamphlet on Cavour in 1972, the centenary year of the death of Mazzini, but no doubt there will be more than one publication on Mazzini to mark the occasion. To pretend that the two men had much in common would be...
    Cavour and Italian Unification
  • The Russian Constitutional Monarchy, 1907-17

      Classic Pamphlet
    The defeat of the revolution of 1905 afforded the absolutist Tsarist monarchy an opportunity to reform the administration and to seek a new basis of support in place of the declining gentry class. Historians have been divided ever since over the constitutional system's chances of success. Had Tsardom advanced far...
    The Russian Constitutional Monarchy, 1907-17
  • Agincourt 1415-2015

      Historian article
    Agincourt has become one of a small number of iconic events in our collective memory. Anne Curry explores how succeeding generations have exploited its significance. In his budget statement of 18 March 2015 the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, announced £1m had been awarded to commemorate the 600th anniversary...
    Agincourt 1415-2015
  • What Have Historians Been Arguing About... the British Empire and the age of revolutions in the global South

      Teaching History feature
    The historiography of the British Empire has taken a long course since the era of decolonisation. Political histories of the late twentieth century considered the mechanisms connecting crises at the ‘periphery’ with metropolitan decision-making. One rather overused stereotype was the so-called ‘man on the spot’ pushing empire forward, be they...
    What Have Historians Been Arguing About... the British Empire and the age of revolutions in the global South
  • Will China Democratise?

      Historian article
    Michael T. Davis compares the parallels between the democratic expectations, or possibilities, of modern-day China with Britain's democratic evolution from the eighteenth century to the emerging democracy of the nineteenth century. The future is an unfamiliar place for historians. Yet we stand on the edge of an historic shift away...
    Will China Democratise?
  • Government and Society in Late Medieval Spain

      Classic Pamphlet
    Government and Society in Late Medieval Spain: From the accession of the House of Trastámara to Ferdinand and IsabellaThe history of late medieval Spain is usually seen as a tiresome introduction to the reigns of the Catholic Monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella. Modern historians tend to portray them as ‘new monarchs',...
    Government and Society in Late Medieval Spain
  • Francis I and Absolute Monarchy

      Classic Pamphlet
    Francis I of France reign lasted for more than thirty years and coincided with movements as significant as the Renaissance and the Reformation. Text-books are apt to gloss over the domestic history of France before the outbreak of the Wars of Religion and convey the impression that Francis was more...
    Francis I and Absolute Monarchy
  • Polychronicon 171: Policing in Nazi Germany

      Teaching History feature
    The nature of policing in Nazi Germany is a subject which continues to fascinate historians. The Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei) was an integral part of the Nazi terror system but historians have been and still are at odds as to how it actually functioned. Areas of debate have focused on the...
    Polychronicon 171: Policing in Nazi Germany
  • Stalin, Propaganda, and Soviet Society during the Great Terror

      Historian article
    Sarah Davies explores the evidence that even in the most repressive phases of Stalin’s rule, there existed a flourishing ‘shadow culture’, a lively and efficient unofficial network of information and ideas. 'Today a man only talks freely with his wife — at night, with the blankets pulled over his head.’...
    Stalin, Propaganda, and Soviet Society during the Great Terror
  • Royal Women: Queen Anne, Elizabeth I and Elizabeth II

      Royal Women
    In June 2012 the Historical Association and Historic Royal Palaces joined forces to offer a fantastic CPD opportunity in line with the Queen's diamond jubilee. Two CPD events around the theme of Royal Women charted the private histories of queens of the past from within the walls of their palaces. What...
    Royal Women: Queen Anne, Elizabeth I and Elizabeth II
  • An English Absolutism?

      Classic Pamphlet
    The term 'Absolutism' was coined in France in the 1790s, but the concept which described it was familiar to many Englishmen in the late seventeenth century. They talked of 'absolute monarchy', 'tyranny', 'despotism' and above all 'arbitrary government'. Their use of such terns were pejorative: they described political regimes of...
    An English Absolutism?
  • What Have Historians Been Arguing About... Royal Studies

      Teaching History feature
    ‘Royal Studies’ is much more than the study of kings and queens as individuals. It draws in their families, the institution of monarchy and monarchical government, court studies, relationships with the church, artistic and literary patronage, and more. While history ‘from below’ and studies of non-elite figures have enriched the...
    What Have Historians Been Arguing About... Royal Studies
  • Radicalism and its Results, 1760-1837

      Classic Pamphlet
    Radicalism with a large "R", unlike Conservatism with a large "C" and Liberalism with a large "L", is not a historical term of even proximate precision. There was never a Radical Party with a national organization, local associations, or a treasury. But there were, and there are, "Radicals", generally qualified...
    Radicalism and its Results, 1760-1837
  • Podcast Series: Early Modern Ireland

      Multipage Article
    This series of podcasts featuring Professor Sean Connolly and Professor David Hayton of Queen's University Belfast looks at Irish History from 1500-1800. Topics covered include Tudor Ireland, the Eleven Years War, Restoration Ireland, the significance of the reigns of James II and William III and politics in Ireland during the...
    Podcast Series: Early Modern Ireland
  • Podcast Series: The Early Georgians

      Multipage Article
    In this podcast Lucy Worsley of Historic Royal Palaces looks at the early Georgians, the changing relationship between Parliament and Monarchy and Court Politics under George I and George II.
    Podcast Series: The Early Georgians
  • Queen Anne

      Classic Pamphlet
    In this pamphlet, James Anderson Winn, author of a recent biography of Queen Anne, recommends a new approach to historians writing about this successful and popular queen. Female, overweight, and reticent, Anne has long been underestimated. Her letters, however, show how well she understood the motives of her ministers, and...
    Queen Anne
  • Queenship in Medieval England: A Changing Dynamic?

      Historian article
    In the winter of 1235-6, Eleanor, the 12 year old daughter of Count Raymond-Berengar V of Provence and Beatrice of Savoy, left her native homeland. She travelled to England to marry King Henry III, a man 28 years her senior whom she had never met. The bride and her entourage...
    Queenship in Medieval England: A Changing Dynamic?
  • Faction in Tudor England

      Classic Pamphlet
    'This wicked Tower must be fed with blood' - W. S. Gilbert's dialogue sums up the popular myth of Tudor England. This pamphlet looks at the reality, a society and politics necessarily divided into rival factions by the pulls of patronage, local loyalty and the implications of personal monarchy, and...
    Faction in Tudor England
  • Nazism and Stalinism

      Classic Pamphlet
    Is it legitimate to compare the Nazi and Stalinist regimes? There might seem little room for doubt. It is often taken as self-evident that the two regimes were variations of a common type. They are bracketed together in school and university courses, as well as text books, under labels such...
    Nazism and Stalinism