Found 10 results matching 'nuffield' within Historian > Themes > Society   (Clear filter)

  • Monty’s school: the benign side of Viscount Montgomery of Alamein

      Historian article
    Field-Marshal Montgomery has a reputation as a strong-willed battle-hardened leader, with a touch of the impetuous. Few know of his charitable side and yet in his later years this side was just as important to his activities. In this article we find out a bit more of this often simplistically...
    Monty’s school: the benign side of Viscount Montgomery of Alamein
  • Women, education and literacy in Tudor and Stuart England

      Historian article
    To booke and pen: Women, education and literacy in Tudor and Stuart England As a student in the early 1970s, I became acutely aware that formal provision for women's education was a relatively recent development. I was at Bedford College, which originated in 1849 as the first higher education institution...
    Women, education and literacy in Tudor and Stuart England
  • The cultural biography of opium in China

      Historian article
    Zheng Yangwen shows that despite its association with trade, war and politics, opium was first of all a history of consumption. Opium has fascinated generations of scholars and generated excellent scholarship on the opium trade, Anglo-Chinese relations, the two opium wars, and Commissioner Lin. The field has diversified in the post-Mao...
    The cultural biography of opium in China
  • What did it mean to be a city in early modern Germany?

      Historian article
    Alexander Collin examines the significance of cities within the Holy Roman Empire in early modern times. With a strong political identity of their own, cities were at the heart of the Empire’s economy and, also, centres of theological and social change. If you have ever read a description of a...
    What did it mean to be a city in early modern Germany?
  • What difference has the opening (and closing) of archives after 1991 made to the historiography of the Cold War?

      Twentieth-century history
    Prior to the East European revolutions of 1989, and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, commentators outside the region were largely reliant on printed material collected by specialist research libraries, informal rrangements with contacts ‘behind the iron curtain’, information that could be gleaned from visits to the region, and...
    What difference has the opening (and closing) of archives after 1991 made to the historiography of the Cold War?
  • Out and About in Paestum

      Historian feature
    Trevor James introduces the extraordinary archaeological remains from Greek and Roman occupation to be found at Paestum. Paestum is the more recent name of a location originally known as Poseidonia, named in honour of Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea. Poseidonia was a Greek settlement or colony on the west...
    Out and About in Paestum
  • Real Lives: Maria Rye’s emigration home for destitute little girls

      Historian feature
    Alf Wilkinson explores the controversial story of Maria Rye, who founded the Female Emigration Society in 1861 in order to take ‘surplus’ young ladies to Australia and New Zealand to work as teachers and governesses. As there was insufficient demand for these, she refocused her work on taking pauper children...
    Real Lives: Maria Rye’s emigration home for destitute little girls
  • Peterloo August 1819: the English Uprising

      Historian article
    Robert Poole, historical consultant to the ‘Peterloo 200’ commemorations in and around Manchester over the summer, explores the latest research into those tragic events of August 1819 and their significance in the road to democracy. On Monday 16 August 1819 troops under the authority of the Lancashire and Cheshire magistrates...
    Peterloo August 1819: the English Uprising
  • The Aztec Empire: a surprise ending?

      Historian article
    Matthew Restall explores current ideas about the end of the Aztec Empire. For an empire that existed half a millennium ago in a hemisphere far away, we have a remarkably clear sense of what brought the Aztecs down. Or at least, we think we do. Our general assumption is that the very nature of...
    The Aztec Empire: a surprise ending?
  • Ofsted and History in Schools

    HM Inspector John Hamer reviews the evidence. In a lecture marking the 150th anniversary of Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Schools, Peter Gordon recalled a nineteenth century HMI, the Reverend W.H. Brookfield. His circle of friends included Tennyson, the Hallams and Thomas Carlyle.
    Ofsted and History in Schools