Found 174 results matching '2025' within Secondary   (Clear filter)

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  • Diversity resources and links for secondary history

      Articles, podcasts, films, webinar recordings and links
    Categories Diversity: general | Race and ethnicity | Empire and decolonisation | Transatlantic slavery | Non-European | Migration and immigration | Women's history | Working-class history | LGBTQI+ | Disability & accessibility | Gypsy, Roma & Traveller history | Teaching controversial issues | Inclusion and SEND Please note that this is a...
    Diversity resources and links for secondary history
  • Webinar series: The Olympic Games

      Running June-July 2024
    The Olympic Games:Culture and political impact across the twentieth century A series of free talks 2024 is an Olympic Games year. Held every four years (with the exception of during the World Wars and Covid-19 restrictions), the modern Olympics is the largest international sporting event in the world. However, historically it...
    Webinar series: The Olympic Games
  • Short course: Witchcraft, Werewolves and Magic in European History

      HA short course, 10 September–10 December 2024
    Led by Jonathan Durrant, Laura Kounine, Jan Machielsen, Lisa Tallis, Juliette Wood   Book Now (Registration is via Cademy which opens in a new window. Please read the course terms and conditions before registering) What does the course cover? This Historical Association short course is an introduction to European witchcraft...
    Short course: Witchcraft, Werewolves and Magic in European History
  • Webinar series: Mentoring beginning and early career history teachers in the secondary school

      HA webinar series for secondary history teachers
    Being an excellent history mentor is very different from being an excellent history teacher.  In this series of five webinars, Laura London and Victoria Crooks will outline the core principles that underpin the effective subject-specific mentoring of beginning and early career history teachers.  With plenty of practical examples from their upcoming book Mentoring History Teachers in...
    Webinar series: Mentoring beginning and early career history teachers in the secondary school
  • Virtual Branch Recording: The House of Dudley

    The Dudleys thrived at the court of Henry VII, but were sacrificed to the popularity of Henry VIII. Rising to prominence in the reign of Edward VI, the Dudleys lost it all by advancing Jane Grey to the throne over Mary I. That was until the reign of Elizabeth I,...
    Virtual Branch Recording: The House of Dudley
  • Virtual Branch Recording: Henry III and Simon de Montfort

    David Carpenter brings to life the dramatic events in the last phase of Henry III’s momentous reign, provides a fresh account of the king’s strenuous efforts to recover power and sheds new light on the rebel figure Simon de Montfort. Professor David Carpenter is a Professor of Medieval History at King's College...
    Virtual Branch Recording: Henry III and Simon de Montfort
  • From Cyrus to Cleopatra: The ancient history adventure

      HA webinar series in partnership with The Classical Association
    Have you thought about offering Ancient History at Key Stage 3, GCSE or A-level? This webinar series, offered in collaboration with the Classical Association, explores how ancient history can be embedded across the key stages at secondary level. Across this series, we will show you how teaching ancient history is...
    From Cyrus to Cleopatra: The ancient history adventure
  • What Have Historians Been Arguing About... immigration in French history

      Historian feature
    3 July 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of a significant, yet little known, event in French history: the declaration of an end to the recruitment of economic migrants. Over the previous decades, some three million migrant workers had arrived to surprisingly little fanfare, building the economic growth later mythologized by...
    What Have Historians Been Arguing About... immigration in French history
  • The Battle of Monte Cassino and the D-Day Landings

    The Second World War is no longer a recent war. Very soon, there will be no veterans left to tell us how they saw things and what it was really like for them. While some eyewitnesses who were children at the time might be with us to see the centenary...
    The Battle of Monte Cassino and the D-Day Landings
  • Disability history resources

    Disabled people are part of the fabric of every society past and present, yet the stories, achievements and struggles of disabled people have often been hidden or marginalised by societies who refuse to adapt. Coping with disability, societal attitudes towards disability and the stories, voices and contributions of disabled people...
    Disability history resources
  • On-demand webinar: New approaches to teaching Britain and transatlantic slavery

      Webinar series: Decolonising the secondary history curriculum
    Webinar series: Decolonising the secondary history curriculum Session 5: New approaches to teaching Britain and transatlantic slavery This 90-minute webinar will delve into the social, economic, and moral implications of this topic. It features an interview with historian Maxine Berg related to her research in this area, before suggesting tools for...
    On-demand webinar: New approaches to teaching Britain and transatlantic slavery
  • What Have Historians Been Arguing About... youth culture?

      Teaching History feature
    For such a boldly iconoclastic work, the Key Stage 3 textbook A New Focus on ... British Social History, c.1920–2000 (2023) provides a disarmingly conventional account of youth in the 1960s as ‘mostly better educated and informed than their parents had been at their age [and able] … to find...
    What Have Historians Been Arguing About... youth culture?
  • Sudan Holy Mountain: Jebel Barkal and its Temples

      Guide Book
    This guide book was produced by Timothy Kendall and El-Hassan Ahmed Mohamed (Co-Directors NCAM Archaeological Mission at Jebel Barkal) and has been published on our website by their kind permission (© 2022 Timothy Kendall and El-Hassan Ahmed Mohamed) to support our podcast that examines the history of Ancient Nubia and the Kushite...
    Sudan Holy Mountain: Jebel Barkal and its Temples
  • On-demand webinar: Histories of the African continent

      Webinar series: Decolonising the secondary history curriculum
    Webinar series: Decolonising the secondary history curriculum Session 4: Histories of the African continent This 90-minute recorded webinar will cover three elements: an introductory discussion about the scope and opportunities for exploring African history; Enquiry One: Africa and the development of religion; Enquiry Two: Decolonisation, Ideology and Race in Africa: the struggles...
    On-demand webinar: Histories of the African continent
  • Triumphs Show 192: Balancing micro- and macronarratives of the Holocaust

      Teaching History feature
    Lien de Jong celebrates her 90th birthday in September 2023. In lots of ways, her biography is similar to many Europeans of her generation. She was born, grew up and went to school in The Hague during the 1930s. She trained to work in a nursery. In the 1950s, she...
    Triumphs Show 192: Balancing micro- and macronarratives of the Holocaust
  • Virtual Branch recording: Empires of the Normans

      Virtual Branch Film
    How did descendants of Viking marauders come to dominate Western Europe and the Mediterranean, from the British Isles to North Africa, and Lisbon to the Holy Land and the Middle East? In this Virtual Branch talk Levi Roach, author of Empires of the Normans, tells a tale of ambitious adventures...
    Virtual Branch recording: Empires of the Normans
  • Virtual Branch recording: Henry Christophe, the Haitian Revolution and the Caribbean's Forgotten Kingdom

      The Black Crown
    How did a man born enslaved on a plantation triumph over Napoleon's invading troops and become king of the first free black nation in the Americas? This is the forgotten, remarkable story of Henry Christophe. Christophe fought as a child soldier in the American War of Independence, before serving in...
    Virtual Branch recording: Henry Christophe, the Haitian Revolution and the Caribbean's Forgotten Kingdom
  • Film: Living with Violence at the End of the British Empire

      Age of Emergency
    In the 1950s, Britain fought a series of brutal wars against insurgents in the colonies of Malaya, Kenya, and Cyprus. How did people at home experience these wars? How did they learn about the use of torture and other unsettling tactics? And how did they respond to this knowledge? In...
    Film: Living with Violence at the End of the British Empire
  • On-demand webinar: Black British history

      Webinar series: Decolonising the secondary history curriculum
    Webinar series: Decolonising the secondary history curriculum Session 2: Black British history This 90-minute recorded webinar will cover an introductory discussion about the scope and opportunities for including Black stories in British history and an enquiry about Black Radicals in the early 19th century. Release date: Monday 30 October 2023, 4pmClosing date: Saturday 31...
    On-demand webinar: Black British history
  • On-demand webinar: Histories of Islamic societies

      Webinar series: Decolonising the secondary history curriculum
    Webinar series: Decolonising the secondary history curriculum Session 3: Histories of Islamic societies This 90-minute recorded webinar will cover three elements: an introductory discussion about the scope and opportunities for exploring Islamic societies; Enquiry One: Science and Knowledge in Medieval Muslim societies; Enquiry Two: Modernity and Iran in the 20th century....
    On-demand webinar: Histories of Islamic societies
  • Recorded webinar: Introduction to decolonising the secondary history curriculum

      Webinar series: Decolonising the secondary history curriculum
    Webinar series: Decolonising the secondary history curriculum Session 1: Introductory webinar This recorded introductory webinar will explore what we mean by decolonising the curriculum and outline principles of approach and explore key concepts involved. How to book Book this webinar only If you wish to book just this webinar, you can purchase...
    Recorded webinar: Introduction to decolonising the secondary history curriculum
  • Recorded Webinar: Mass-Observing Modern Britain

    Mass-Observation is probably the most consistently useful source for the study of mid and late 20th social lives Britain. It was established in 1937 with the aim of investigating ordinary life and developing an 'anthropology of ourselves.' It used a range of different methods to collect information, from recording overheard...
    Recorded Webinar: Mass-Observing Modern Britain
  • Recorded webinar: Teaching the 'People's History' of the Munich Crisis

      Mental health, class, gender and diversity
    Professor Julie Gottlieb has written extensively on inter-war British political and gender history, and her more recent work has provided alternative perspectives on seemingly settled debates in the historiography of British foreign policy and the history of appeasement. Through the lens of women/gender, social history, and now psychology/emotion, she argues for a...
    Recorded webinar: Teaching the 'People's History' of the Munich Crisis
  • Film: A short history of Islamic thought

    In his book of the same name, A short history of Islamic thought, Dr Fitzroy Morrissey provides a concise introduction to the origins and sources of Islamic thought, from its beginnings in the 7th century to the current moment. In this talk he explores the major ideas and introduces the...
    Film: A short history of Islamic thought
  • Recorded Webinar: Teaching Jewish histories

    Where Jews appear on school curricula, they tend to appear as victims, particularly in the context of the Nazi genocide. The vibrant diversity of Jewish life in preceding centuries is underexplored, and students are given little context for understanding the growth of antisemitism. This webinar delves into this vibrant richness...
    Recorded Webinar: Teaching Jewish histories