Found 353 results matching 'holocaust' within Secondary   (Clear filter)

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  • Welcome back to a new school year

    Welcome back to a new school year
  • You are members of a United Nations Commission...' Recent world crises simulations

      Teaching History article
    David Ghere presents a teaching and learning rationale for simulations where the location is not identified. This creates a deliberately artificial situation where the student can tackle the problems and carry out the decision-making and problem-solving exercise without preconceptions. The author does not recommend leaving the activity at this stage,...
    You are members of a United Nations Commission...' Recent world crises simulations
  • How Michael moved us on: transforming Key Stage 3 through peer review

      Teaching History article
    Thomas Tallis history department have an interesting approach to planning. Whereas, all too often, this most time-consuming and intellectually demanding of teachers’ tasks is rendered invisible, and is supposed to happen by magic in the middle of the night, this department chose to make the planning process genuinely collaborative, pivotal...
    How Michael moved us on: transforming Key Stage 3 through peer review