Found 255 results matching 'genocide' within Secondary   (Clear filter)

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  • Recorded Webinar: Resisting Reagan

    Recorded Webinar: Resisting Reagan
  • From horror to history: teaching pupils to reflect on significance

      Teaching History article
    In this detailed account of the first stages of a lesson sequence for Year 9 (13-14 year-olds), Kate Hammond sets out the tensions that must be examined and resolved when planning and teaching this most demanding of topics. How can young teenagers be helped to develop a mature response to...
    From horror to history: teaching pupils to reflect on significance
  • Parallel catastrophes? Uniqueness, redemption and the Shoah

      Teaching History article
    Nicolas Kinloch’s 1998 review of Michael Burleigh’s Ethics and Extermination in Teaching History, 93, sparked a debate amongst our readers about the teaching of the Holocaust, concerning both rationales and practical approaches. Citing the damage caused to pupils’ understanding by a Spielberg view of history, he emphasised that the rationale...
    Parallel catastrophes? Uniqueness, redemption and the Shoah
  • Teaching Stalinism: knowledge and pedagogy rebooted

      Joint event from the Historical Association, Northumbria University and the Study Group of the Russian Revolution
    Book your place // This joint event from the Historical Association, Northumbria University and the Study Group on the Russian Revolution is aimed at secondary and sixth-form history teachers, lecturers, and trainee teachers. It will focus on the changes in research and pedagogy on Stalinism. Under Stalin’s leadership from 1929...
    Teaching Stalinism: knowledge and pedagogy rebooted
  • Let's see what's under the blue square...': getting pupils to track their own thinking

      Teaching History article
    Trainee teachers Suzie Bunyan and Anna Marshall explain why they decided to devise an activity in which they made a big fuss of a just one visual source. As beginning teachers they were also focusing on aspects of their own professional learning. They had decided to extend their skills in...
    Let's see what's under the blue square...': getting pupils to track their own thinking