The Vikings: ruthless killers or peaceful settlers?
Primary History article
This article outlines how one Year 4 teacher approached the topic of the Vikings. The teaching of The Vikings allows for a range of historical concepts to be explored such as:
Chronological understanding – how long did Viking influence last? Where does it appear on the timeline of Britain? What...
The Vikings: ruthless killers or peaceful settlers?
Britain from the Iron Age to Robin Hood
Primary History article
‘...if children are to ever fully appreciate history the development of historical time has to be central to our teaching methodologies'
This lesson aims to provide an overview of this period, developing pupils' sense of chronology and their understanding of cause and consequence. The context for these ideas comes from...
Britain from the Iron Age to Robin Hood
Saxon Settlers in Britain
Lesson Plans (KS2)
Please note: this lesson was produced as part of the Nuffield Primary History project (1991-2009) and pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum. It is part of a full sequence of lessons available here.
This resource is free to everyone. For access to hundreds of other high-quality resources by primary history experts along with free...
Saxon Settlers in Britain
A view from the classroom: Teachers TV, The Staffordshire Hoard And 'Doing History'
Primary History article
When the Historical Association was approached by Teachers' TV to produce ‘Great Ideas for Teaching History' at Key Stage 2, it was inevitable that I, as a full time teacher on the Primary Committee, would have no escape. My school agreed I could take part, with the involvement of two...
A view from the classroom: Teachers TV, The Staffordshire Hoard And 'Doing History'
One of my favourite history places: The Holy Island of Lindisfarne
Primary History feature
The Holy Island of Lindisfarne is a special place, not just for its stunning scenery and rich bird life, but also for its unique history and medieval religious heritage. This article visits a few of the many places of historical interest on the island and considers ideas for exploring different...
One of my favourite history places: The Holy Island of Lindisfarne
What makes good primary history?
Transition Training Session 5
This is the 5th in a series of 5 sessions arising from the 2005 KS2-KS3 History Transitions Project:
Transition training session 1: Historical Enquiries & Interpretations
Transition training session 2: Using ICT in the teaching of history
Transition training session 3: Extended writing in history
Transition training session 4: Joan of Arc -...
What makes good primary history?
The Vikings in Britain: a brief history
Reference guide for primary
Viking Age | In Britain: background | Short history | King Alfred | Later raids & rulers | Key concepts
This resource is free for everyone
For access to hundreds of other high-quality resources by primary history experts along with free or discounted CPD and membership of a thriving community of...
The Vikings in Britain: a brief history
Anglo-Saxons: a brief history
Reference guide for primary
Jump to: Anglo-Saxons in Britain | Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms | Areas to examine | Key concepts & links
This resource is free to everyone. For access to hundreds of other high-quality resources by primary history experts along with free or discounted CPD and membership of a thriving community of teachers and subject...
Anglo-Saxons: a brief history