Found 36 results matching 'brief history' within Primary > Curriculum > Primary History resources > The Stone Age to the Iron Age   (Clear filter)

  • How did a volcano affect life in the Bronze Age?

      Primary History article
    Recent discoveries have greatly altered our view of life in the Bronze Age. Must Farm, for example, was built in the Cambridgeshire Fens around 1000 BCE. Sometime around 1159 BCE (no-one is quite sure when) Hekla, a volcano in Iceland (a country no-one yet knew existed) erupted, throwing millions of...
    How did a volcano affect life in the Bronze Age?
  • Stone Age to Iron Age - overview and depth

      Primary History article
    Stone Age to Iron Age covers around 10,000 years, between the last Ice Age and the coming of the Romans. Such a long period is difficult for children to imagine, but putting the children into a living time-line across the classroom might help. In one sense not a lot happens...
    Stone Age to Iron Age - overview and depth
  • The Bronze Age: what was so special about copper and tin?

      Primary History article
    On first approaching this period it is possible to feel comfortable with the term ‘Bronze Age’ without ever really interrogating what this means. When did this period happen? What do we mean by the term the Bronze Age and was it different or the same around the world? Clearly there...
    The Bronze Age: what was so special about copper and tin?
  • Who's afraid of the Big Bad Bronze Age?

      Primary History article
    It’s September 1992 and in Dover archaeologists from the Canterbury Archaeological Trust are working alongside construction workers when six metres below ground they find some waterlogged planks. Thankfully, an expert in maritime archaeology is on site and he recognises that this could be a lot more than abandoned timber. Uncovering...
    Who's afraid of the Big Bad Bronze Age?
  • Case Study: Working with gifted and talented children at an Iron Age hill fort in north Somerset

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. The phone call was over - manna from heaven. The opportunity to work with a ‘real' archaeologist on a ‘real' Iron Age site seemed far too good to be true. The cluster of eight South...
    Case Study: Working with gifted and talented children at an Iron Age hill fort in north Somerset
  • Children's thinking in archaeology

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Young children enjoy prehistory Tactile, Physical and Enactive engagement with archaeological remains stimulates, excites and promotes children's logical, imaginative, creative and deductive thinking. Through archaeology there are infinite opportunities for ‘reasonable guesses' about sources and...
    Children's thinking in archaeology
  • Prehistoric Bristol

      Classic Pamphlet
    This period is represented in the valley of the Bristol Avon by the Acheulian industries, named from the type station of St. Acheul in the Somme valley, which has yielded many ovate and pear-shaped hand-axes characteristic of the period. These industries flourished during the very long Second Interglacial phase, a...
    Prehistoric Bristol
  • Iron Age Farm - Film

      Iron Age Farm
    The following film takes a look at Butser Ancient Farm - a unique experimental archaeological site and a fascinating day out. Nestled into the rolling South Downs National Park, this ancient farm displays ongoing constructions of Iron Age buildings based on real sites, crops from prehistory and rare breeds of...
    Iron Age Farm - Film
  • Podcast Series: From the Stone Age to the Romans

      Multipage Article
    In this podcast Professor Richard Bradley of the University of Reading looks at Britain and Ireland from their prehistoric beginnings to the arrival of the Romans.
    Podcast Series: From the Stone Age to the Romans
  • Podcast Series: Ancient British and Irish Pagan Religion

      Ancient British and Irish Pagan Religion
    In this podcast Professor Ronald Hutton of the University of Bristol looks at Ancient British and Irish Pagan Religion.
    Podcast Series: Ancient British and Irish Pagan Religion
  • Recorded webinar: Teaching Prehistory

    Recorded webinar: Teaching Prehistory