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  • Egyptians, Embalming and Experiences

      Primary History article
    I am a third year student currently studying on a 4 year degree course at Leeds Trinity University College training to be a primary school teacher. Last year, as part of our History module, we visited the Leeds City Museum and met Esther Amis-Hughes who was then its Learning and...
    Egyptians, Embalming and Experiences
  • Chronology and local history: Year 6

      Primary History case study
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Editorial note: This short paper introduces a highly creative, imaginative and enthralling case-study of a local history project for year 6 pupils. The teaching programme has a chronological spine that provides coherence and focus. Chronology is...
    Chronology and local history: Year 6
  • Your Victorian (And Greek!) Olympic Games

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. The teaching ideas below are adapted from an idea the great John Fines developed for teaching Ancient Greek science. With active teacher support and guidance, it requires the pupils to use what they know, and their...
    Your Victorian (And Greek!) Olympic Games
  • William Brookes and the Olympic Games

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. History flows like a river, sometimes quiet and unobtrusive, sometimes a raging torrent with wide-ranging effects on the world around us. It is punctuated by momentous events and significant individuals, who impact on its direction and...
    William Brookes and the Olympic Games
  • From Champion to Hero: Engaging Pupils in a study of significant Olympians

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Allocated the task of researching and presenting ideas for teaching about significant Olympians, I thought: ‘Brilliant, this is the easy one'. How wrong can one be! I expected to be able to access a plethora of...
    From Champion to Hero: Engaging Pupils in a study of significant Olympians
  • Ancient Greeks: The Olympics' War Games - Teaching through Drama

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. When I was a boy the Greek Olympics was one of the perennials of the primary history curriculum, alongside the Battle of Hastings and the execution of Charles I. I have memories of an old text...
    Ancient Greeks: The Olympics' War Games - Teaching through Drama
  • Primary History and planning for teaching the Olympics - four curricular models

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Three curricular editions of Primary History, PH 50, Autumn 2008 , PH 53, Autumn 2009 and PH 57, Spring 2011 are directly relevant to teaching the Olympics. PH 50, Autumn 2008 History Education in the 21st...
    Primary History and planning for teaching the Olympics - four curricular models
  • Shropshire's Secret Olympic History

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. What has a small Shropshire town got to do with the modern Olympic Games? Why is a country doctor a key figure in the development of the modern games? Why is one of the 2012 mascots...
    Shropshire's Secret Olympic History
  • The Charles Dickens Primary School Project

      Historian article
    For many years London South Bank University [LSBU] trainee teachers have been engaged in a wide range of mini history-led, cross-curricular projects in local primary schools, culminating in the students teaching lessons to groups of children. Some of these projects have been on different aspects of community history, including in-depth...
    The Charles Dickens Primary School Project
  • Primary Scheme of Work: Remembrance

      Primary Scheme of Work, Key Stage 1 History (unresourced)
    In this unit pupils will be introduced to the concept of Remembrance Day and will learn why people in this country wear poppies in November. Through learning about Remembrance, pupils will understand that there are events beyond living memory that are significant nationally and globally, and that these are commemorated...
    Primary Scheme of Work: Remembrance
  • Diagrams in History

      Historian article
    One of the gifts of the social sciences to history is the use of expository diagrams; but attention is rarely given to the history of diagrams. Maps - schematized representations of locations in spatial relation to one another - can be dated back to Babylonia in the late third millennium...
    Diagrams in History
  • Lesson Planning Recipe

      Primary History article
    Learning objectives What questions should the children be able to answer at the end of your teaching of the topic? Pare this down to 6 key questions, one for each lesson of a 6-week term. What sub-questions will the lesson address and open up for the next step in the...
    Lesson Planning Recipe
  • The History around us: Local history

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. History is an important aspect of the development of even very young children. They need to begin to develop the foundations of an understanding of the past and how it has developed and affected our present....
    The History around us: Local history
  • Scheme of Work: Anglo-Saxon, Viking and Scots settlement in Britain

      Primary Scheme of Work, Key Stage 2 History (unresourced)
    In this unit, children can be introduced to the idea that people from other societies have been coming to Britain for a long time. They can learn about some of the tensions involved in the settlement as well as ways of life and matters that impact on us still. This...
    Scheme of Work: Anglo-Saxon, Viking and Scots settlement in Britain
  • Learning to engage with documents through role play

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. First let me say that I did not research the materials used or plan this lesson. For this I must acknowledge, with thanks, that this is the work of my colleague, Mike Huggins, and the senior...
    Learning to engage with documents through role play
  • Culture Shock: The Arrival of the Conquistadores in Aztec Mexico

      Historian article
    When the Spanish Conquistadores arrived in Mexico during the early sixteenth century there were many repercussions for the indigenous people. Their conversion to Christianity and the sacking of their temples are two of the most well known examples.  However, it is often forgotten that the Aztecs had only a pictorial...
    Culture Shock: The Arrival of the Conquistadores in Aztec Mexico
  • A view from the classroom: Teachers TV, The Staffordshire Hoard And 'Doing History'

      Primary History article
    When the Historical Association was approached by Teachers' TV to produce ‘Great Ideas for Teaching History' at Key Stage 2, it was inevitable that I, as a full time teacher on the Primary Committee, would have no escape. My school agreed I could take part, with the involvement of two...
    A view from the classroom: Teachers TV, The Staffordshire Hoard And 'Doing History'
  • How can citizenship education contribute to effective local history?

      Primary History article
    Please note: This article pre-dates the current National Curriculum and some content and links may be outdated. Citizenship education in primary schools asks children to dig deeply into issues, to gain skills to become advocates and champions for the views of themselves and others and to be confident to take action on...
    How can citizenship education contribute to effective local history?
  • How much has the weather mattered in British history?

      Primary History article
    Tim Lomas has considered the effect that weather has had on shaping Britain. He explores how weather conditions and human actions have affected these islands and the communities living here. He suggests three potential areas of investigation. First, he looks at how weather changes might affect crop failure and so...
    How much has the weather mattered in British history?
  • A Significant Local Event: Carlisle floods

      Primary History article
    Sue Temple has used her personal experience of flooding around Carlisle as a basis for exploring local history. She suggests strategies for how we can explore events that have occurred in our own environments by making use of photos and oral history to link to the personal and immediate. As extreme...
    A Significant Local Event: Carlisle floods
  • Trees

      Primary History article
    This article includes a compilation of a series of articles about significant trees around Britain. It is hoped that this will prompt readers to explore their own environments, helping children to engage with and enjoy nature. Some of the trees in the article are designated as Great Trees. These were significant...
  • Why we need to teach about the history of trees and woodland...

      Primary History article
    Michael Riley highlights the importance of educating children about the history of trees and woodland. He explores the potential of primary history to develop an understanding of our changing relationship with trees. The article shows how a focus on trees and woodland could enhance an existing history study, and suggests...
    Why we need to teach about the history of trees and woodland...
  • Exploring the history of our place with very young children

      Primary History article
    Karin Doull considers how we can develop historical thinking in the Early Years in this article about locality and place. Karin offers helpful suggestions for developing historical vocabulary and assessing understanding. How can we seek to encourage Foundation Stage children to engage with historical thinking and processes? What appears to...
    Exploring the history of our place with very young children
  • Going to school: a post-1066 thematic study

      Primary History article
    The post-1066 thematic study provides us with a really exciting opportunity to consider something different. While non-statutory guidance provides some suggestions to consider, the actual possibilities are endless and enable us to choose something highly relevant to our schools. In this article, Paul Bracey invites us to explore schooling over...
    Going to school: a post-1066 thematic study
  • Significant anniversaries: The Bristol Bus Boycott, 1963

      Primary History article
    It is sixty years since the Bristol Bus Boycott highlighted race inequalities and discrimination in the workplace. In this article, Stuart Boydell revisits this watershed moment and considers how the Bristol Bus Boycott could be incorporated into the curriculum today. Sixty years ago, Bristol was at the centre of a...
    Significant anniversaries: The Bristol Bus Boycott, 1963