Found 33 results matching '2025' within Primary > Curriculum > Primary History resources   (Clear filter)

  • EYFS Medium Term Plan - Toys and Games

    This EYFS Medium Term Plan is based around the theme of Toys and Games. It is designed to give teachers and early years practitioners different starting points for learning about the past, across all areas of learning. The activities could be led with a whole class or as small group...
    EYFS Medium Term Plan - Toys and Games
  • Happy 200th birthday Florence Nightingale!

      Primary History article
    2020 is undoubtedly going to be an important year in the nursing world and is a significant historical anniversary. The World Health Organisation has declared it the ‘Year of the Nurse and Midwife’ in part because Florence Nightingale, the famous ‘Lady with the Lamp’, will be celebrating her 200th birthday...
    Happy 200th birthday Florence Nightingale!
  • Women’s History Month: Female Voices

      Primary resources
    March is Women’s History Month each year. We have produced resources to support primary school assemblies exploring the history of female suffrage in the UK. If you would like some ideas for a special assembly during Women’s history month, download our assembly ideas and powerpoint presentation to support your school assembly....
    Women’s History Month: Female Voices
  • Ideas for Assemblies: Refugee stories

      Primary History feature
    Please note: this piece was written before Sir Mo Farah’s 2022 disclosure that he was trafficked to the UK as a child, so some of its content is no longer accurate. An assembly could focus on the achievements of their lives, experiences as child refugees and migrants, and how they overcame...
    Ideas for Assemblies: Refugee stories
  • Teaching the Ancient Greeks: an introduction

      Reference guide
    This resource is free to everyone. For access to hundreds of other high-quality resources by primary history experts along with free or discounted CPD and membership of a thriving community of teachers and subject leaders, join the Historical Association today Please note: this guide was written before the new National Curriculum...
    Teaching the Ancient Greeks: an introduction
  • Scheme of Work: The Blitz: all we need to know about World War II?

      Primary Scheme of Work, Key Stage 2 History (resourced)
    This unit provides children with the opportunity to look at the Second World War as an aspect of British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066. This 8-part enquiry is useable in full or to use sections of as stand alone shorter enquiries. Pupils will be encouraged to examine different...
    Scheme of Work: The Blitz: all we need to know about World War II?
  • Fifty years ago we lost the need to know our twelve times tables

      Primary History article
    In the first year of junior school, I was in Mrs Phillip’s class. She was one of those teachers who you remember, but, sadly not for good reasons. I was very frightened of Mrs Phillips and the worst part of every week was the tables test… forwards, backwards and questions...
    Fifty years ago we lost the need to know our twelve times tables
  • History through connecting classrooms in Bradford and Peshawar, Pakistan

      Primary History article
    Editorial note: In this inspiring, teacher-led, crossphase project, pupils and teachers from eight schools in Bradford and Peshawar shared and learned about the histories of Bradford and Pakistan. The British Council’s Connecting Classrooms Scheme funded the project. The article below focuses on the primary dimension. In 2008 three representatives from Bradford...
    History through connecting classrooms in Bradford and Peshawar, Pakistan