Found 39 results matching 'brief history' within Secondary > Curriculum > Content > Periods > Ancient   (Clear filter)

  • Building local history into the curriculum

      Teaching History article
    Neil Bates and Robert Bowry have chosen to tackle the issue of curriculum coherence by including local history, both as starting point for new students joining the school in Year 7 and as a golden thread running throughout their Key Stage 3 curriculum. In this article they explain the rationale...
    Building local history into the curriculum
  • How can there be a true history?

      Historian article
    "How can there be a true history, when we see no man living is able to write truly the history of the last week?" (Thomas Shadwell) Indeed! Once when I had to give a talk in Spain, I found this quotation by looking up ‘history' in the Oxford English Dictionary....
    How can there be a true history?
  • “They Ought to Know the Achievements of the Ancient Greeks”

      IJHLTR Article
    International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research [IJHLTR], Volume 15, Number 1 – Autumn/Winter 2017ISSN: 14472-9474 Abstract This paper focus on the role of archaeology and material culture in supporting national narratives for younger generations, examining the ideas and perceptions of prospective teachers of Greek Primary Education. Firstly, the contribution...
    “They Ought to Know the Achievements of the Ancient Greeks”
  • Diagrams in History

      Historian article
    One of the gifts of the social sciences to history is the use of expository diagrams; but attention is rarely given to the history of diagrams. Maps - schematized representations of locations in spatial relation to one another - can be dated back to Babylonia in the late third millennium...
    Diagrams in History
  • HA Podcasted History: Ancient Persia

      Ancient Persia
    In this series of podcasts Professor Thomas Harrison of the University of Liverpool examines the Persian Empire, life in ancient Persian society and the Greek-Persian War.
    HA Podcasted History: Ancient Persia
  • How history learners can ‘dig school’ under lockdown

      Teaching History article
    In March 2020, when Covid-19’s lockdown restrictions saw schools closed to the majority of children, Carenza Lewis quickly began thinking of ways to help both teachers and parents. Drawing on extensive experience of enabling children and young people to learn from practical engagement in archaeology, she came up with a...
    How history learners can ‘dig school’ under lockdown
  • Cunning Plan 154: Who is buried in the box?

      Teaching History feature
    Question: Who is buried in the box? Seeking a new and exciting way to introduce my Year 7 students to history, I looked to a practical solution. Ian Dawson once used a Thinking History exercise where students looked at the idea of ‘layers of history'. It was useful in structuring...
    Cunning Plan 154: Who is buried in the box?
  • Roman Britain

      Classic Pamphlet
    This classic pamphlet provides an introduction to Roman Britain, examines the political history, the institutions of Roman Britain, the economic background and the end of Roman Britain. IntroductionThe Roman conquest and occupation of Britain has long been taken as the conventional starting point of English History, and there is a conventional...
    Roman Britain
  • Recorded webinar: Maya ruler King Pakal II of Palenque

      ‘A veritable Tutankhamun of the New World’
    The discovery in 1952 of the tomb of King Pakal II of Palenque has been called the most important archaeological find in the history of the Americas. Protected by a magnificently sculpted stone sarcophagus depicting Pakal’s descent to the underworld and re-birth as the maize god lay the body of...
    Recorded webinar: Maya ruler King Pakal II of Palenque
  • Prehistoric Scotland

      Classic Pamphlet
    Prehistory is an attempt to reconstruct the story of human societies inhabiting a given region before the full historical record opens there. Its data, furnished by archaeology, are the constructions members of such societies erected and the durable objects they made. The events which should form its subject matter naturally...
    Prehistoric Scotland
  • Two Babies That Could Have Changed World History

      Historian article
    'At last have made wonderful discovery in Valley; a magnificent tomb with seals intact; re-covered same for your arrival. Congratulations.’ This telegram was sent from Luxor on the 6th November 1922 by Howard Carter to his coarchaeologist Lord Carnarvon in Britain. It started the Tut·ankh·Amen story which led to a...
    Two Babies That Could Have Changed World History
  • Sudan Holy Mountain: Jebel Barkal and its Temples

      Guide Book
    This guide book was produced by Timothy Kendall and El-Hassan Ahmed Mohamed (Co-Directors NCAM Archaeological Mission at Jebel Barkal) and has been published on our website by their kind permission (© 2022 Timothy Kendall and El-Hassan Ahmed Mohamed) to support our podcast that examines the history of Ancient Nubia and the Kushite...
    Sudan Holy Mountain: Jebel Barkal and its Temples
  • 'Veni, Vidi, Vici!'

      Historian article
    A personal reflection on Julius Caesar and the conquest of Britain Julius Caesar always brings to mind the famous dictum of Winston Churchill, ‘History will be kind to me, for I shall write it!' In his writings Julius Caesar provides a vivid and detailed account of his invasions of Britain in...
    'Veni, Vidi, Vici!'
  • Polychronicon 169: Herodotus

      Journal article
    You can buy a cheap flight to Bodrum (south-west Turkey), now a popular package holiday tourist destination and in antiquity named Halicarnassus, and visit ancient Greek temples and a theatre dating back more than 2,000 years. In Bodrum’s incomparable Underwater Archaeology Museum, you can admire the extraordinary Phoenician, Carian, Cypriot,...
    Polychronicon 169: Herodotus
  • Transforming Year 7's understanding of the concept of Imperialism: a case study on the Roman Empire

      Teaching History article
    Those of us in the U.K. know that many of our pupils finish their entire historical education without a satisfactory grasp of basic substantive concepts as they are used in history. Do all our low-attaining or ‘low ability’ 14-year-olds who are pressured to drop history at 14 really emerge with...
    Transforming Year 7's understanding of the concept of Imperialism: a case study on the Roman Empire
  • Polychronicon 116: The Roman Empire

      Teaching History feature
    Polychronicon was a fourteenth-century chronicle that brought together much of the knowledge of its own age. Our Polychronicon in Teaching History is a regular feature helping school history teachers to update their subject knowledge, with special emphasis on recent historiography and changing interpretation. This edition of 'Polychronicon' examines the study...
    Polychronicon 116: The Roman Empire
  • Polychronicon 126: Stonehenge

      Teaching History feature
    Secondary history ought to pay more attention to stones: 1. they are accessible, logistically and educationally, and highly instructive. The Neolithic is everywhere, and generally speaking, free2. venture outside the classroom, into real space or cyberspace, and you stumble into it eventually.3. Archaeological interpretation is an accessible way into aspects...
    Polychronicon 126: Stonehenge
  • Podcast series & associated scheme of work: An Introduction to Ancient Greek Religion

      Ancient History
    These podcasts and the accompanying scheme of work provide an introduction to some of the key rituals of Ancient Greek religion. The podcasts are for advanced KS2, and KS3 students; Year 13 students (ancient languages) have also successfully used them for background, and they may be helpful in preparation for...
    Podcast series & associated scheme of work: An Introduction to Ancient Greek Religion
  • Working with Boudicca texts - contemporary, juvenile and scholarly

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article was written before the the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may now be outdated. Robert Guyver describes a model for teaching Boudicca’s rebellion to pupils aged 7 to 13. Drawing on the tradition of critical source evaluation, he nonetheless shuns aspects of that tradition in favour of...
    Working with Boudicca texts - contemporary, juvenile and scholarly
  • Podcast Series: Women in Ancient Greece & Rome

      Multipage Article
    In this series of podcasts Dr Richard Hawley of Royal Holloway, University of London looks at the history of women in Ancient Greece and Rome.
    Podcast Series: Women in Ancient Greece & Rome
  • Podcast Series: Goths, Huns and the fall of the Roman Empire

      Multipage Article
    In this series of podcasts Professor Peter Heather of King's College London looks at the history of the Goths, the Huns, the division of the Roman Empire and the fall of the Roman Empire.
    Podcast Series: Goths, Huns and the fall of the Roman Empire
  • Podcast: Roman Britain

      Multipage Article
    An HA Podcasted History of Roman Britain featuring Guy de la Bédoyère.
    Podcast: Roman Britain
  • Polychronicon 132: Roman Emperors

      Teaching History feature
    Everyone has seen a Roman emperor. Whether at the British Museum's current Hadrian exhibition, or in Derek Jacobi's stuttering Claudius, or in Joachim Phoenix's psychotic Commodus, most people are aware of Roman emperors to some extent or other.1 They can be semi-legendary, or have been entirely ignored by  posterity. Some...
    Polychronicon 132: Roman Emperors
  • Prehistoric Bristol

      Classic Pamphlet
    This period is represented in the valley of the Bristol Avon by the Acheulian industries, named from the type station of St. Acheul in the Somme valley, which has yielded many ovate and pear-shaped hand-axes characteristic of the period. These industries flourished during the very long Second Interglacial phase, a...
    Prehistoric Bristol
  • The Government of the Roman Empire

      Classic Pamphlets
    The Government of the Roman Empire, as everyone knows, was autocratic, and, like all autocracies, it was ‘tempered by assassination' or by military revolution. The emperor ruled through an imperial service, at once civil and military, in which several grades, corresponding to the social classes of the empire, were always...
    The Government of the Roman Empire