Found 18 results matching 'genocide' within Secondary > Curriculum > Content > Periods > 1901-present > Europe 1901-present   (Clear filter)

  • Helping Year 9 to engage effectively with ‘other genocides’

      Teaching History article
    In this article, Andy Lawrence returns to arguments made in Teaching History 153 about the importance of teaching young people about other modern genocides in addition to the Holocaust. Building on those arguments with his own rationale, Lawrence also acknowledges the constraints on curriculum time that compel all departments to...
    Helping Year 9 to engage effectively with ‘other genocides’
  • Helping Year 9 debate the purposes of genocide education

      Teaching History article
    Connecting the dots: helping Year 9 to debate the purposes of Holocaust and genocide education Why do we teach about the Holocaust and about other genocides? The Holocaust has been a compulsory part of the English National Curriculum since 1991; however, curriculum documents say little about why pupils should learn...
    Helping Year 9 debate the purposes of genocide education
  • An authentic voice: perspectives on the value of listening to survivors of genocide

      Teaching History article
    It is common practice to invite survivors of the Holocaust to speak about their experiences to pupils in schools and colleges. Systematic reflection on the value of working with survivors of the Holocaust and other genocides and on how to make the most of doing so is rarer, however. In...
    An authentic voice: perspectives on the value of listening to survivors of genocide
  • Using the concept of place to help Year 9 students to visualise the complexities of the Holocaust

      Teaching History article
    Inspired by the work of the social and cultural historian Tim Cole, Stuart Farley decided to look again at the way he teaches the Holocaust. He wanted to focus on the geographical concept of place as a way of enabling his Year 9 students to build far more diverse narratives,...
    Using the concept of place to help Year 9 students to visualise the complexities of the Holocaust
  • Being historically rigorous with creativity

      Teaching History article
    After a Fellowship in Holocaust Education at the Imperial War Museum, Andy Lawrence decided that something was missing in normal approaches to teaching emotive and controversial issues such as genocide, a deficit demonstrated by recent research by the Holocaust Education Development Programme. As part of his fellowship, Lawrence created an...
    Being historically rigorous with creativity
  • Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust

      Historian article
    Daniel Goldhagen defines anti-semitism as ‘negative beliefs and emotions about Jews qua Jews.' Nazis believed Jews to be the source of Germany's misfortunes, and that they must be denied German citizenship and removed from German society. Hitler never compromised on the need to settle what he regarded as the Jewish...
    Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust
  • Helping Year 9 evaluate explanations for the Holocaust

      Teaching History article
    ‘It made my brain hurt, but in a good way': helping Year 9 learn to make and to evaluate explanations for the Holocaust Why genocides occur is a perplexing and complex question. Leanne Judson reports a strategy designed to help students think about perpetration and evaluate and propose explanations for...
    Helping Year 9 evaluate explanations for the Holocaust
  • Polychronicon 135: Post-modern Holocaust Historiography

      Teaching History feature
    The field of Holocaust studies has been hit by an intellectual earthquake whose precise magnitude and long-term consequences cannot be ascertained at this stage. In 2007 Saul Friedländer published The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews 1939-1945. The book has been rightly celebrated as the first victim-centred synthetic history...
    Polychronicon 135: Post-modern Holocaust Historiography
  • Polychronicon 141: Adolf Eichmann

      Teaching History feature
    Almost 60 years ago Adolf Eichmann went on trial for crimes committed against the Jews while he was in the service of the Nazi regime. His capture by the Israeli secret service and his abduction from Argentina triggered a number of journalistic books that portrayed him as a pathological monster...
    Polychronicon 141: Adolf Eichmann
  • Women, War and Revolution

      Classic Pamphlet
    On the surface, the period 1914 to 1945 seems to have encompassed massive changes in the position of women in Europe, in response to the demands of war and revolution. Yet historians have questioned the extent of the transformation, since the acquisition of the vote, as well as improvements in...
    Women, War and Revolution
  • Teaching about the Russian invasion of Ukraine and events happening there

    The events of the last few days appear to have come out of nowhere to many people, especially children. While tensions have existed in the region for some time Russia’s decision to attack Ukraine was without provocation. To have war return in such a way to the edges of Europe...
    Teaching about the Russian invasion of Ukraine and events happening there
  • Year 9 use sources to explore contemporary meanings and understandings of appeasement

      Teaching History article
    After reflecting on the difference between his study of source extracts at university and how he was using source extracts in the classroom, Jonathan Sellin went in search of a new way to help his pupils to situate sources in context. Finding inspiration in the work of intellectual historian Quentin...
    Year 9 use sources to explore contemporary meanings and understandings of appeasement
  • Narrating “Histories of Spain”

    International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research [IJHLTR], Volume 15, Number 1 – Autumn/Winter 2017 ISSN: 14472-9474 Abstract This study analyses the role of Spanish teacher training students as narrators of what they consider to be the history of Spain. Results of this empirical study are based on a random...
    Narrating “Histories of Spain”
  • Does the grammatical ‘release the conceptual’?

      Teaching History article
    Jim Carroll noticed basic literacy errors in his Year 13s’ writing, but on closer examination decided that these were not best addressed purely as literacy issues. Through an intervention based on clauses, Carroll managed to enable his students to write better, but he did this by teasing out principles of...
    Does the grammatical ‘release the conceptual’?
  • The knowledge illusion

      Teaching History article
    Focusing on students’ attempts to explain the relative significance of different factors in Hitler’s rise to power, Catherine McCrory explores the vexed question of why students who seem able to express necessary historical knowledge on one occasion cannot effectively reproduce it on another. Drawing on a detailed analysis of what...
    The knowledge illusion
  • Analysing Anne Frank: a case study in the teaching of thinking skills

    For those lucky history departments in and around Newcastle this article will not be news. Peter Fisher alludes to the quasi-religious atmosphere that is often discernible amongst history teachers who have been working with the Thinking Skills groups linked to University of Newcastle Department of Education. He is not exaggerating...
    Analysing Anne Frank: a case study in the teaching of thinking skills
  • The Second World War

      Classic Pamphlet
    On 5 September 1939 the German Führer, Adolf Hitler, paid a surprise visit to the corps which was in the forefront of his army's ferocious assault upon Poland. As they passed the remains of a smashed Polish artillery regiment, the corps commander, General Guderian, astonished Hitler by telling him that...
    The Second World War
  • Parallel catastrophes? Uniqueness, redemption and the Shoah

      Teaching History article
    Nicolas Kinloch’s 1998 review of Michael Burleigh’s Ethics and Extermination in Teaching History, 93, sparked a debate amongst our readers about the teaching of the Holocaust, concerning both rationales and practical approaches. Citing the damage caused to pupils’ understanding by a Spielberg view of history, he emphasised that the rationale...
    Parallel catastrophes? Uniqueness, redemption and the Shoah